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noun | interjection | abbreviation | to phrases
Io ['aɪəu] nstresses
astr. Ио (спутник Юпитера)
myth., gr.-rom. Ио (дочь царя Аргоса Инаха, жрица Геры, любимая Зевсом wikipedia.org)
names Ио (в греч. мифологии возлюбленная Зевса, превращённая в корову. Спасаясь от насланного Герой овода, бежала в Египет, где приняла прежний облик)
io ['aɪəu] n
gen. крик торжества
io ['aɪəu] int.
uncom. го-го-го! (радостный, победный возглас)
 English thesaurus
Io ['aɪəu] abbr.
abbr. Iowa
abbr., myth. Ίώ
meteorol. solar constant
tech. ionium
IO ['aɪəu] abbr.
abbr. input-output; I O; Identification Orders; In Often; In Order; Indian Ocean; Information Operations; Inside Outside; Inside Outsider; Interest Only; international organization; Interoperability Objective; Industrial Organisation (введено по личному указанию Бармалеича Yakov); inferior oblique muscle; Information Objectives; Intelligence Objective; Intelligence Operations (Division)
abbr., adv. insertion order (Melted)
abbr., agric. in order
abbr., anat. inferior oblique muscle
abbr., cables information outlet (MichaelBurov)
abbr., commer. inspecting order
abbr., dentist. intraoral (Баян)
abbr., earth.sc. Illinois Ozarks; inflow-outflow; Institute for Oceanography; iron ores
abbr., EBRD interest only (raf)
abbr., file.ext. Object file (Modula-3)
abbr., inet. Information Online; Intellect Optional
abbr., IT CPIO Compressed file archive; Initial Object; Input/Output; Inter-Office; interpretive operation
abbr., life.sc. immuno-oncology (Vorbild)
abbr., math. infinitely often
abbr., med. intraosseous (vdengin); Incisal Opening; Inferior Oblique; Inferior Olive; Internal Os; Interorbital; Intestinal Obstruction; Intraocular; Intraoperative; Intra-osseous; Iron Overload (ННатальЯ); IO Inferior oblique of eye
abbr., mil. Information Operation; Intermediate Objective; International Officer; information objectives; information operations; intelligence oversight
abbr., mining. iron ore (например, Oakland IO cerceo)
abbr., oil industrial operation; initial open; intensive oxidation; isomerized olefine (Углов); internal olefin
abbr., org.name. Information Officer
abbr., physiol. Intraosseous
abbr., police Investigating Officer
abbr., polit. British Indian Ocean Territory
abbr., SAP.tech. information object
abbr., scottish Identification Officer; Intelligence Officer (UK)
abbr., st.exch. Input/ Output, Inc.
abbr., tech. interrogating officer
abbr., telecom. input output
abbr., tradem. Illuminati Online; Internex Online
abbr., transp. INBOARD/ OUTBOARD
mil. image orthicon; incoming orders; information officer; initial only; inspecting officer; inspection order; inspection outline; intelligence office; intelligence officer; intercept officer; inventory objective; investigating officer; issuing office
tech. identification; implementation officer; integrated optics; interferometer observation
IO ['aɪəu] abbr.
abbr. International Organisation
abbr., auto. inletintake opens
abbr., avia. instructional object; item order; intermediate overhaul; internal orientation
abbr., el. idea organizer; image to object distance; input order; instruction for operation; isolated oxide; iterative operation
abbr., inet. influence operation (Boris54)
abbr., mil. interoperability
io ['aɪəu] int.
O&G discount rate
IO ... ['aɪəu] abbr.
abbr., microel. input-output ...
: 75 phrases in 19 subjects
Automated equipment1
Computer networks1
Information technology19