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noun | abbreviation | to phrases
ind nstresses
el. индуктивность; катушка индуктивности
electr.eng. индуктивное сопротивление
Gruzovik, econ. индустриальный (сокр. от industrial); промышленный (сокр. от industrial); промышленность (сокр. от industry)
Makarov. коэффициент (index); показатель (index); показатель степени (index); указатель (index; алфавитный или предметный); индекс (index)
tech. пром
ind. n
SAP.tech. индикатор
Ind n
Gruzovik, polit. Индиана (сокр. от Indiana; штат США)
IND abbr.
gen. Служба иммиграции и натурализации (Нидерланды; Immigratie- en Naturalisatiedienst ind.nl) Olga Z)
clin.trial. ДИНЛ (investigational new drug application – досье исследуемого нового лекарственного препарата kunya7)
yacht. Индия (Обозначения на парусах)
ind abbr.
pharm. Исследование нового препарата (Investigation of a new drug katorin)
 English thesaurus
IND abbr.
abbr. Indiana; Indonesian; independent nuclear deterrent
abbr., avia. Indianapolis, Indiana USA; indicating
abbr., el. incandescent display; inductive; international number dialing
abbr., file.ext. Data Index (dBASE IV)
abbr., footb. Indianapolis Colts
abbr., IT Data Index
abbr., med. International Nomenclature Of Diseases (WHO); Investigation of New Drug (FDA); Investigational New Drug
abbr., mil. improvised nuclear device
abbr., mil., air.def. information network department
abbr., nautic. Indication; Indianapolis In, U.S.A.
abbr., neurol. Institute for Neurodegenerative Diseases
abbr., pharm. investigational new drug (iwona)
abbr., pharma. investigational new drug application (http://www.fda.gov/Drugs/DevelopmentApprovalProcess/SmallBusinessAssistance/ucm069906.htm masenda)
abbr., police Immigration and Nationality Directorate
abbr., polit. Incredible New Democrat; Independent
abbr., railw. Independent Subway System
abbr., st.exch. American Industrial Properties Real Estate Investment Trust
abbr., transp. Indianapolis International Airport
mil. induced nuclear disintegration; intercept director
IND. abbr.
abbr., lat. Indictione ("in the indiction", a chronological term)
ind abbr.
abbr. independent; index; indicate; indicator; indorse; indorsement; induction; industrial; industry
abbr., earth.sc. inductive dimension
abbr., oil independence
electr.eng. inductance
gram. indicative
O&G indurated rock
ind. abbr.
abbr. independence; indicator; indigo
abbr., earth.sc. independent; indicated; indication; induction
abbr., interntl.trade. indent; index
abbr., phys. inductance
law indorsement
qual.cont. indirect; industrial; industry
Ind abbr.
abbr. India; Indian; Indiana
abbr., oil Induan
lat. Indus (the Indian, Индеец Vosoni)
Ind. abbr.
abbr. Indian; Indiana
abbr., earth.sc. India
lat. Indictio ("indiction")
USA Indiana Reports
@Ind. abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. Indiana
INDS abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. industrial area
.ind n
file.ext. Index (file name extension)
IND abbr.
abbr. indicated
abbr., busin. indent; indirect
abbr., earth.sc. India Datum
abbr., oil initial north departure
: 210 phrases in 10 subjects
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