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IMR abbr.stresses
abbr. УППиВ (Управление патологическим процессом и восстановление – Illness management and recovery shergilov); ИМР (Идиопатический макулярный разрыв – idiopathiс macular rupture. shergilov)
comp., net. интегральный многопортовый ретранслятор
O&G, oilfield. контроль, техническое обслуживание и ремонт (Inspection, Maintenance and Repair – EPC contracts Don Sebastian)
tech. Институт по исследованию материалов (Institute for Materials Research или Institute of Materials Research Mira_G); Институт испытания материалов (Mira_G)
 English thesaurus
IMR abbr.
abbr. Institute of Marine Resources; International Mobility Review (Shell ABelonogov); Institute for Medical Research
abbr., auto. intake manifold runner
abbr., avia. inverter monitor relay; indicated Mach reading; interlock monitoring relay
abbr., chem. ion-molecular reaction
abbr., comp., net. Integrated Multiport Repeater; Internet Monthly Report
abbr., earth.sc. impact melt rocks; induced magnetic roll; Institute of Man and Resources (Canada); Institute of Marine Resources (University of California); Institute of Mineral Research
abbr., el. interrupt mask register; intelligent mark reader; intermodulation ratio
abbr., el., scient. Integrated Model Repository
abbr., HF.electr. intermodulation rejection
abbr., inet. Icq Message Responder
abbr., IT Interrupt Mask Registers; Internet Montly Report; intensive mode recording; interruption mask register
abbr., med. Infant Mortality Rate; Infant Mortality Risk; infant mortality rate; infectious mononucleosis receptors
abbr., mil. Improved Military Rifle
abbr., mil., WMD inert mine, resin-filled
abbr., O&G, sakh. Integrated Modelling Review
abbr., oil inspection maintenance and repair; Institute of Marine Research
abbr., plast. Internal Mold Release
abbr., polym. Institute of Materials Research
abbr., post Intelligent Mail Range record (2008, IMB program)
abbr., scottish Inzhenernaia Maschina Razgrazhdeniia (Combat engineer vehicle (Russia))
abbr., securit. information management resources
abbr., shipb. inspection, maintenance and repair
abbr., st.exch. Imco Recycling, Inc.
abbr., stat. Individuals and Moving Range (igisheva)
abbr., tech. inspection, maintenance, repair
abbr., tradem. Internet Marketing Research
comp. imaging microwave radiometer
mil. immediate mission request; improved military rifle; individual medical record; inventory management record
: 3 phrases in 2 subjects