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IMM abbr.stresses
bank. Международный валютный рынок (подразделение Чикагской товарной биржи; International Monetary Market)
busin. Международный валютный рынок (International Monetary Market)
commun. источник влияния на управление маркетингом (Influencer Marketing Management WiseSnake)
hindi отдел IMM (интеллектуального управления выполнением задач; Intelligent Mission Management; один из отделов компании HAL Шандор)
math. метод обратных матриц (inverse matrix method)
IMM% abbr.
med. относительное % содержание незрелых гранулоцитов (MichaelBurov); "незрелые гранулоциты" <проф.> (MichaelBurov)
IMM# abbr.
med. IMM, абс. (MichaelBurov); абсолютное содержание незрелых гранулоцитов (MichaelBurov)
IMM, абс. abbr.
med. абсолютное содержание незрелых гранулоцитов (MichaelBurov); "незрелые гранулоциты" <проф.> (MichaelBurov)
 English thesaurus
IMM abbr.
abbr. International Mail Manual; International Monetary Market; Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
abbr., biotechn. interpolated Markov model (Altuntash)
abbr., busin. immediately; immiscible; immovable; International Merchantile Marine
abbr., commun. Interactive Multimedia
abbr., comp. integrated magnetic memory
abbr., earth.sc. independent mixture models; Institution of Minerals and Metals; Institution of Mining & Metallurgy
abbr., el. integrated multilevel metallization; Intel mobile module; interleaving memory module; Internet marketplace maker; iterated moment method; immediate assignment message; Institute of Molecular Manufacturing
abbr., immunol. immunomodulator (Игорь_2006)
abbr., IT Instant Multi Media
abbr., Makarov. intelligent memory manager
abbr., med. Institute For Molecular Manufacturing; Institute Of Molecular Medicine; intercellular macromolecular matrix
abbr., met. Institution of Mining and Metallurgy
abbr., mil. intelligence mission management
abbr., mil., air.def. interacting multiple model
abbr., oil instrumented mud motor; International Monetary Markert
abbr., physiol., med. Immediate; Immobilize; Immunize
abbr., polym. Injection Molding Machine (olias)
abbr., scottish Improved Medium Mobility (vehicle); Intermediate Maintenance Manual
abbr., st.exch. International Money Market
abbr., transp. International Mercantile Marine
mil. integrated maintenance management; integrated maintenance manual; integrated materiel management
IMM% abbr.
abbr., med. immature granulocytes (MichaelBurov); relative immature granulocyte count (MichaelBurov); relative immature granulocyte level (MichaelBurov)
IMM# abbr.
abbr., med. absolute immature granulocyte count (MichaelBurov); absolute immature granulocyte level (MichaelBurov)
imm abbr.
gen. immaterial (несущественный Nivakaame)
abbr. immediate; immune; immunization; immunology
biol. immunological
imm. abbr.
abbr. immediately (Vosoni); immovable
abbr., earth.sc. immersed; immersion
polym. immiscible
ImM abbr.
abbr., physiol. Immunoglobulin M
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