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ILm abbr.stresses
O&G ИКс (MichaelBurov); диаграмма индукционного каротажа со средним радиусом исследования (MichaelBurov)
ILM abbr.
gen. внутренняя пограничная мембрана
abbr. ВПМ (Внутренняя пограничная мембрана – Internal limiting membrane. shergilov)
'ilm abbr.
relig. илм (In Islam, "knowledge"); знание
 English thesaurus
ILm abbr.
abbr. medium induction curve; medium induction log (MichaelBurov)
abbr., oil induction log, medium investigation
ILM abbr.
abbr. Intermediate Labor Market; Institute of Leadership and Management (Johnny Bravo); International Legal Materials
abbr., avia. Wilmington, North Carolina USA; intermediate level maintenance; in line monitor
abbr., bible.term., scient. The Information Liberation Movement
abbr., bridg.constr. incremental launching method (BabaikaFromPechka)
abbr., commer. Intermediate-Level Maintenance
abbr., dril. medium investigation induction log
abbr., earth.sc. ilmenite; irrigation land management model
abbr., el. information logic machine; in-line monitor module; intelligent line monitor; interlayer metallurgy
abbr., el., scient. Instrument Landing System; Integrated Laser Modulator
abbr., IT Icon Library Management; Information Lifecycle Management
abbr., logist. integrated logistics management
abbr., med. internal limiting membrane
abbr., oil induction log medium (investigation)
abbr., scottish Independent Landing Monitor; Induced Longitudinal Magnetism
abbr., tradem. Industrial Light And Magic
: 7 phrases in 2 subjects