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IK abbr.stresses
gen. интерстициальный кератит
patents. коренные знания ("Indigenous knowledge" is used to describe "knowledge held and used by communities, peoples and nations that are ‘indigenous'". 'More)
tech. степень ударопрочности (IK0-IK10, EN 62262, IEC 62262:2002)
Ik abbr.
names Исаак
 English thesaurus
IK abbr.
abbr. Inkromierung steel; In Kind; Independent Kash; Inupiak; Izzle Kinizzle; inner keel; interstitial keratitis
abbr., earth.sc. indicator kriging
abbr., el. information kiosk; internal key
abbr., fin. Information and Knowledge Management Division
abbr., inet. I Know
abbr., math., scient. Inverse Kinematic
abbr., med. Delayed Rectifier Current (heart Electrophysiology); Potassium Current (heart Electrophysiology); infusoria killing (unit, unit)
abbr., med., germ. Immunekorper immune bodies
abbr., media. Illustrerede Klassiker
abbr., mil. Installation Kit
abbr., oil illuminating kerosene
abbr., patents. indigenous knowledge (коренные знания (КЗ) "Indigenous knowledge" is used to describe "knowledge held and used by communities, peoples and nations that are ‘indigenous'". 'More)
abbr., phys., scient. Inverse Kinematics
abbr., relig. Immaculatus Keep
abbr., tradem. Iron Kingdom
mil. indicator kit
IKAC, ADOI abbr.
abbr., med. Acetylcholine And Adeno-sensitive Potassium Current (heart Electrophysiology)
IKATP abbr.
abbr., med. ATP-sensitive Potassium Current (heart Electrical Activity)
IK: 2 phrases in 2 subjects