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HP abbr.stresses
abbr. единицы жизни (EasyMan); уровень здоровья
astronaut. теплоанализатор (heat probe AllaR)
comp.games. очки жизни (SirReal); очки здоровья (SirReal); здоровье (SirReal); жизнь (SirReal)
construct. л.с.
dentist. хвостовик под прямой наконечник (MichaelBurov)
Gruzovik, polit. палаты Парламента Великобритания (Houses of Parliament)
Gruzovik, scient. высокой очистки (highly-purified); большой мощности (high-power); лошадиная сила (horsepower)
inet. главная страница (Лорина)
med. медицинский работник (Health(care) Professional Ristill)
mil., WMD с различными номерами наборы реактивов для контроля воздушной среды reagents kits express detector HP
O&G, sakh. точка остановки (ПКК pipa1984)
oil высокое давление (high pressure)
weap. экспансивные пули с полостью углублением в головной части
hp n
gen. рассрочка (hire purchase)
auto. л.с.
O&G, sakh. л.с. лошадиная сила (единица мощности равная 746 Вт)
Hp n
avia. барометрическая высота (pressure altitude (Еврокоптер) MadOx)
Hp. n
Gruzovik, econ. покупка в рассрочку (hire purchase)
HP adj.
busin. от дома до пристани (вид доставки, house-pier)
O&G для жидкостей и газов (Hydraulic & Pneumatic, напр., клапан sheetikoff)
tech. бульбовый (bulb), или бимсовый профиль, HP-профиль (Holland Profile nikolkor)
 English thesaurus
HP abbr.
abbr. Hand Painted; Heat Pipe; High Performance; High Price; High Priced; High Productivity; Highland Park; Horse Power; Half Paid; Half Pitch; Half Precision; Hand Pick; Harlem Pete; Harmonic Progression; Has Problems (HP computer); Headache Prone; headphones (Oleg Sollogub); Headquarters Pamphlet; Health Points (EasyMan); Hercules Powder; Hewlett Packard, Inc. (Corporate name); Hide Position; High Points; host processor; hot pilot; hot pressed; Hatfield Polytechnic; high purified; Hit Point; Hitching Post; hold point (Yakov); Holy Poop!; home page; Horse Park; hot-press; house physician; Houses of Parliament; How Perfect; Hunter's Point; Hyperbolic Poseur; High Pressure; HorsePower
abbr., account. hire purchase
abbr., agric. heat production
abbr., auto. high potential
abbr., avia. holding pattern; head protrusion; high powered; holding point; holding position; holding procedure; hole processing; human performance
abbr., busin. half-pay; handmade paper; hand pump; harp; highly purified; high position; high potency; hot-pressed paper
abbr., cartogr. highest point
abbr., comp., IT Hot Plug
abbr., comp., net., IT Hewlett Packard
abbr., comp.games. Health Points (Johnny Bravo)
abbr., comp.name. Hewlett-Packard Company
abbr., dentist. handpiece friction grip (MichaelBurov); handpiece shank (MichaelBurov)
abbr., earth.sc. Hamilton's Principle; hinter-pinnacle zone; hold pressure; hot particle; hydroelectric power plant; power house
abbr., el. high pass (filter); Hewlett-Packard (Company); heteropolar; hot polymerized; hot pressing; hyperbolic parabolic
abbr., el., scient. High Power; High Purity; Higher Power
abbr., fant./sci-fi. Harry Potter
abbr., file.ext. Primary hash file (THOR database); Printout file for HP printers/plotters (HP/GL Vosoni)
abbr., inet. Home Page
abbr., IT Handphone; High Precision; high precision (mrishka5)
abbr., law High Profile
abbr., life.sc. Helicobacter pylori; hip circumference
abbr., med. Hemapharesis Practitioner; Hepatic Porphyria; High Protein; Health Protection; hospital practice; human pituitary; hypertension and proteinuria; hemipelvectomy; heterotopic pregnancy
abbr., mil. Horsepower; Hand-held Photo
abbr., mil., avia. hand-held photo
abbr., mining. horse-power
abbr., O&G high pour point (MichaelBurov)
abbr., O&G, sakh. high point; high production; horse power (unit of power equal to 746 watts and nearly equivalent to the English gravitational unit of the same name that equals 550 foot-pounds of work per second [10.70 kg-calories per minute]); indicated horse power; treated gas scrubber F-301
abbr., oil hydraulic pump; hydrostatic pressure (andrushin); half pay; harmonical progression; heterogeneous polymerization; high permeability; high porosity; highly pured; Horda platform; hot press; hydrant pipe; hydraulic press
abbr., oil.lubr. hypersensitivity pneumonitis (A Hun)
abbr., physiol. Heavily Perforated; Hot Pack
abbr., polym. high polymer; high pressure; horsepower
abbr., scient. High Point
abbr., scottish Civil aircraft marking (Panama); Hewlett-Packard Co. (USA)
abbr., shipb. hawse pipe
abbr., silic. hot pressing
abbr., space handling procedure; high-pass filter
abbr., sport. Hit Points; hit by pitcher; times hit by pitch; Hit Poin
abbr., st.exch. Helmerich & Payne, Inc.
abbr., tech. Holland profile; hip point
agric. Hydroxyproline
energ.ind. heat pump; high-power; high-pressure; high-priority
mil. hard point; heliport; high performance; high power; high priority; high proficiency; holiday pay; hollow point; hypervelocity projectile
physiol. Hemipelvectomy; Hot pack
tech. harmonic power; health physicist; health physics; health physics group; heptode; high pass filter; high-pass; hope; horizontal parallax; horizontal polarization; hot-pressed; hydrocarbon processing
hp abbr.
abbr. heat pump excluding heat source equipment; horsepower; H-shaped pile; high pressure; high-performance; hospital
abbr., med. hyperphoria
abbr., oil heptane
IT high-positive
O&G, sahk.r. horse power
tel. hand phone (Ying)
Hp abbr.
abbr. horizontal plane
abbr., el. high-powered
abbr., life.sc. haptoglobin
abbr., oil hypersthene; polytropic head
hp. abbr.
abbr. horse-power
abbr., tech. high power
hP abbr.
abbr., chem. hydrogen exponent
: 247 phrases in 45 subjects
Armored vehicles1
British usage, not spelling1
Chemical industry1
Computer games1
Computer networks1
Electrical engineering1
Energy industry11
Gas processing plants3
Information technology1
Nuclear and fusion power1
Oil / petroleum30
Oil and gas14
Sakhalin A3
Sakhalin R6
Sakhalin S2
SAP tech.2
Thermal engineering1
Weapons of mass destruction3