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Good Samaritanstresses
gen. добрый человек (When a Good Samaritan noticed an animal living in and around their backyard, they were immediately concerned. The thin, hairless animal was hard to identify, but clearly needed help. -- Когда один добрый человек заметил thedodo.com ART Vancouver)
fig. добрая душа (When a Good Samaritan noticed an animal living in and around their backyard, they were immediately concerned. The thin, hairless animal was hard to identify, but clearly needed help. The homeowner hatched a plan to try and catch the animal and get him to safety — but that proved to be much easier said than done. thedodo.com ART Vancouver)
good Samaritan
rel., christ. добрый самарянин (One who helps the poor and needy (Lk:10:33); в церковнославянском ударение на последний слог "-ин" wikipedia.org)
rel., christ., fig.of.sp. добросердечный человек
Good Samaritans
idiom. неравнодушные граждане ("Задержали злоумышленника неравнодушные граждане, и удерживали его до приезда милиционеров." (из рус. источников) ART Vancouver)
Good Samaritan
: 9 phrases in 6 subjects
United States1