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GWS nstresses
engl. Общие исследования по проблемам женщин (General Womens Studies: General Womens Studies mamluk4u)
mil. Женевская конвенция об улучшении участи раненых и больных в действующий армиях (1929 г.)
GWS abbr.
Gruzovik, mil. станция управляемых ракет (guided weapon station); база управляемых ракет (guided weapon station)
labor.org. ТРУ (товары, работы и услуги Johnny Bravo)
gws abbr.
hockey. серия послематчевых буллитов (game-winning shots Aphid)
 English thesaurus
GW abbr.
abbr. gigawatt (Sukhopleschenko); Galaxy War; Game Winner; Games Workshop; Gaming World; Gamma World; Gap Whore; Garth Woodside; Gate Way; Gates William; Gee Whiz; Genesis Webmaster; George Washington; George Washington University; George Woodcock; Georgetown Waitlist; Gettin Wasted; Getting Well; Glass Works; Global Wait; Global Warming; Glory Whore; God Why; Gods Water; Gods Word; Goes With; Gold Wing; Golden Wonder; Gone Wacko; Gone Wrong; Gore Won; Grammatical Words; Gravity Waves; Great Western; Great White; Great Worker; Great Writer; Green Weenie; Grey Wolf, Inc.; Ground Water; Group Work; Guinea Bissau; Gutless Wonder; The Great War; giga watts
abbr., account. goodwill (from consolidation)
abbr., agric. groundwater
abbr., avia. gale warning; gas welding; gate width; grinding wheel
abbr., cartogr. gas well; good water
abbr., commun. Gateway
abbr., comp., net. ATC (Dmitry)
abbr., el. global-writable; groupware; guided wave
abbr., energ.ind. gross weight (MichaelBurov)
abbr., IT Group Ware
abbr., med. general ward
abbr., mil. General War; GigaWatt
abbr., O&G, sahk.s. waste gas, off gas
abbr., oil gallons of water; gelled water; granite wash
abbr., phys. giga watt (MichaelBurov); giga-watt (MichaelBurov)
mil. general warning; germ warfare; ground weapon; guerrilla warfare; guided weapon
mil., abbr. gross weight
tech. gram-weight; gravitational wave
gw n
O&G pressure gradient of water
GWS abbr.
abbr. Glasgow and West of Scotland; Gross Wages And Salaries; Gaps, Weaknesses, and Shortfalls (also GW&S); Graphics WorkShop; guided weapon station
abbr., anat. greater wing of sphenoid bone (большое крыло клиновидной кости doc090)
abbr., avia. GAATS Workstation; Gander Automated Air Traffic System Workstation; graphical weather services; guided weapons system
abbr., busin. goods, works and services (Johnny Bravo)
abbr., el. graphic work station; ground wireless station
abbr., inet. Get Well Soon
abbr., IT Google Web Server
abbr., met. Glycol Water Supply (Yakov)
abbr., mil. Geneva Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded and Sick in Armed Forces in the Field
abbr., monk. Girl Watcher Society; Glue Won't Set
abbr., nautic. gun weapon system (LyuFi)
abbr., oil geologic worksheet; geoscience work-station; global wave statistics; grid wire sensor
abbr., scottish Gatling Weapon System; Global Wulfsberg Systems (USA)
abbr., sms Get well soon (Ying)
abbr., space gateway station
mil. guided weapon system
tech. gas waste system
: 14 phrases in 7 subjects