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GTI abbr.stresses
med. индекс токсичности глюкокортикоидов (glucocorticoid toxicity index: To assess the effect of sarilumab on reducing glucocorticoid toxicity as measured by the composite glucocorticoid toxicity index (GTI) questionnaire. (Оценить влияние сарилумаба на уменьшение токсичности глюкокортикоидов на основании комплексного индекса токсичности глюкокортикоидов (glucocorticoid toxicity index, GTI).) health-ua.com JLawless)
polit. ГИП (Глобальная инициатива прозрачности – Global Transparency Initiative MichaelBurov)
 English thesaurus
GTI abbr.
abbr., auto. Grand Touring Injection
abbr., avia. ground test instruction; gyroscopic turn indicator
abbr., el. general ternary inverter; global telecommunications infrastructure; global transaction infrastructure
abbr., int.rel. Greater Tumen Initiative (OSSIPOV)
abbr., NGO Global Tiger Initiative (bigmaxus)
abbr., O&G Gas Technology Institute (США Углов)
abbr., pharm. global technical information (vdengin)
GTI abbr.
abbr. Gateway Transaction Interface; Global Teamwork Information
abbr., econ. Global Trade Information Services, Inc. (Vosoni)
abbr., int.transport. Gateway Terminal of India (Yuriy83)
abbr., oil gas turbine integration; generalized traveltime inversion
abbr., pharm. Genotoxic Impurity (Adrax)
abbr., polit. Global Transparency Initiative (MichaelBurov)
abbr., progr. General Terminal Interface (Yuriy83)
abbr., scottish German Tank Improvement
abbr., UN, biol., sec.sys. Global Taxonomy Initiative
tech. ground test instrumentation
: 1 phrase in 1 subject