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FRC abbr.stresses
gen. контроль методом функциональной избыточности
build.mat. ФБ (MichaelBurov); фибробетон (MichaelBurov); стеклофибробетон (MichaelBurov)
comp., net. функциональный избыточный контроль; контроль с помощью функциональной избыточности
construct. бетон, армированный стекловолокном (Fiber-reinforced concrete a_wilkshire)
el. проверка методом функциональной избыточности; двухпроцессорная конфигурация с проверкой методом функциональной избыточности
fin. центр финансовой отчётности (сокр. от "financial reporting center" Alex_Odeychuk)
Gruzovik, IT контроль с функциональной избыточностью (functional redundancy checking)
Gruzovik, polit. Комиссия по иностранным делам Конгресс США (Foreign Relations Committee)
med. Функциональная остаточная ёмкость (Andy)
O&G Научно-исследовательская станция по изучению горючего (США; Fuel Research Station)
O&G, sakh. остаточный свободный хлор (free residual chlorine)
OHS ФОЕ; огнезащитный костюм (fire retardant clothing konstmak)
oil предупреждение повторных отказов (failure recurrence control); регистрирующий расходомер
pharma. комбинация с фиксированным соотношением (Гера)
pulm. ФОЕЛ (functional residual capacity) функциональная остаточная емкость лёгких Ying)
Игорь Миг, abbr. Федеральный научный центр
frc abbr.
tech. регулятор топливного коэффициента
 English thesaurus
FRC abbr.
abbr. Family Research Council; Federal Records Centers; F R Connector; Facility Review Committee; Farriers Registration Council; Federal Radio Communications; Federal Response Center; Financial Reporting Council (dimock); Fire Research Center; First Rate Customer; First Republic Bank of San Francisco; Flame Resistant Clothing; Flamingo Reseller Convention; Flight Research Center; Flying Red Cabbage; Foreign Relations Committee; Foreign Resident Card; Foxes Rights Club; Franca, Sao Paulo, Brazil; Frankford Radio Club; Franklin Research Center; Free Carrier ... (port Vosoni); Front- Range Consortium; Fucking Ricker Cult; Fuel Research Station; Full Retail Competition; Funky Radically Cool; Fusion Review Committee; Request Full Route Clearance; Frederick Research Corp.
abbr., amer. Federal Radio Commission
abbr., auto. forced; fiber-rein forced ceramics; fiber-rein forced composite
abbr., avia. fault reporting code; flight reference card; full route clearance
abbr., build.mat. fiber reinforced concrete (MichaelBurov); fiber-reinforced concrete (MichaelBurov); fibre reinforced concrete (MichaelBurov); fibre-reinforced concrete (MichaelBurov)
abbr., comp., net. functional redundancy checking
abbr., comp., net., IT Frame Rate Control
abbr., ed. Family Resource Center
abbr., el. fact regeneration controller; fault reporting center; FIFO RAM controller; final routing center; frequency reuse contours; Fresnel reflection coefficient; fuzzy rule classifier
abbr., el., scient. Field Reversed Configuration
abbr., health. follow-up and rehabilitation care
abbr., inet. Fiber Reinforced Concrete
abbr., med. Federal Radiation Council; Frozen Red Cells; Functional Reserve Capacity; Functional Residual Capacity; Fibroblastic Reticulum Cells; AS Fellow of the Royal College of Australian Surgeons; functional residual capacity (of lungs)
abbr., med.appl. functional residual capacity (ИВЛ harser)
abbr., mil. federal resource coordinator; forward resuscitative care
abbr., mil., air.def. fixed radio communication
abbr., nautic., scient. Federal Records Center
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. free residual chlorine
abbr., O&G, sakh. Fast rescue craft; free carrier named point; Flame Retardant Clothing (Yuri Ginsburg)
abbr., oil flow recorder controller; fibreglass reinforced cement; flow ratio controller; flow recording controller; Foreign Relation Committee; Fuel Research Committee (council)
abbr., pharma. Functionality-related characteristics (EDQM baloff)
abbr., scottish Fibre Reinforced Composite; Flare Remote Control; Formation Readiness Cycle (British Army)
abbr., securit. financial research company
abbr., shipb. fast rescue boat (TheFellowShipper)
abbr., silic. fiber reinforced cement
abbr., space fiber-reinforced composite; flight control room
abbr., tax. frozen charge (Yuriy83)
abbr., tech. fiber reinforced composite materials
abbr., textile free carrier... named point
law free carrier
mil. fiber reinforced composite; fixed radio communications; forward report center
tech. failure recurrence control; flow recording controller; fractional relief capacity
frc abbr.
abbr. functional residual capacity
frc s. abbr.
abbr., econ. franc (s)
: 6 phrases in 4 subjects
Research and development1