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FD nstresses
bank. срочный депозит, срочный вклад (Fixed Deposit skate)
busin. франко-док (free dock)
comp., net. режим полного дуплекса
cycl. передний переключатель передач
el. поле (1. поименованная группа данных; элемент данных; столбец данных 2. обрабатываемая отдельно группа разрядов 3. кольцо с ненулевыми элементами, образующими абелеву группу по операции умножения); пространство; полукадр (в системах отображения с чересстрочной развёрткой); обмотка возбуждения
IT файловое устройство; дискета
media. отношение фокусного расстояния антенны F к диаметру отражателя D (у антенны Кассегрена); отношение фокальной длины зеркала к его диаметру
nautic. франт-док (free dock)
oil плотность пласта (formation density); спускное отверстие в полу (floor drain)
radiol. цифровой плоскопанельный детектор (digital flat detector Nightrain)
gen. женский генитальный спрей (Feminine Deoderant Spray fdsforher.com vogeler); женский интимный спрей (Feminine Deoderant Spray fdsforher.com vogeler)
fD n
antenn., conv.notation. отношение фокусного расстояния к диаметру зеркала
FD adj.
gen. гибкий диск; пилотажный директор (Millie)
cables ЭРП (MichaelBurov); этажный распределительный пункт (MichaelBurov); горизонтальный кросс (MichaelBurov); этажный распределительный узел (MichaelBurov); распределительный пункт между магистральной и горизонтальной подсистемами (MichaelBurov)
econ. опцион с очень близкой экспирацией (faggot's delight ProfitNews)
el. область: зона; поле зрения; карта местности (на экране индикатора)
Gruzovik, comp. флоппи-диск (floppy disk)
Gruzovik, econ. стоимость разгрузки судна, оплачиваемая фрахтователем (free discharge)
pharma. лиофилизированный (freeze(-)dried Ying)
tech. Противопожарный клапан (Fire Damper Aleks_Teri)
fd abbr.
IT дескриптор файла
 English thesaurus
Fd. abbr.
abbr., fin. fund
FD abbr.
abbr. forced draught (draft); fuse fuze delay
abbr., avia. fatigue damage; flap down; flight direct (direction); frequency duplex; fuel drain; fixed displacement; free delivery
abbr., busin. farad; find; Foreign Department; foreign division; forward; found; free at dock; freight and drayage; fund
abbr., earth.sc. felsic dykes; field desorption; flow dome; foredeeps; foreland deformation belt
abbr., econ. forced decision method; free dock
abbr., health. Formulation Development (ННатальЯ)
abbr., IT frequency doubling
abbr., oil duration of failure; fabricating & drilling; face discharge (bit); fade down; fast dispatch; feedback decoding; finely disseminated (organic matter); firing delay; flame detector; flexible floppy disk; floating divide; floating dock; floating dollar; fluid density; footage drilled; Formation Damage Control Symposium; formation drillability; formation factor from density; formatted data; forward delivery; free delivery (discharge); free dispatch; free docks; functional devices
abbr., rugb. first down
abbr., space flight dynamics
FDER abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. Florida Department of Environmental Regulation
abbr., el. flexible disk error register
FD abbr.
abbr. Final Document; Final Draft; Finance Director; Franklin Delano; Fully Developed; face or field of drawing; Facility Division; Factory Discontinued; False Dive; Fashion Doll; Fast Depleting; Federated Department Stores, Inc., of Delaware; Feed Directory; Feign Death; Fiasco Day; Fidei Defensor; final dossier (eternalduck); Finance Directorate (SEIC ABelonogov); Fire Door; flange focal distance; Flexible Disk (Vosoni); Flight Director; Flightline Diner; Floor Display; floor drain; Focused Dispatch (exercise); forced draught (Vosoni); Forever Dumb; Forms Definition; Forum Discussion; Foundation degree (ABelonogov); fourth dimension; Frequency Demodulator; frequency division; frequency doubler (Vosoni); front of dash; Ftp Directory; Full Denver; Functional Design; Funky Drummer; flash desorption; flash filament technique; Fisheries Department
abbr., agric. functional disease
abbr., auto. feder control; flexible discdisk; front door; function device
abbr., avia. flight director (Millie); course form a fixed waypoint to a DME distance; failure detection; fault diagnosis; fault detection (in metal); fire detection; fire detectors; fixture design; flight day; fluted drill; form die; form drag; fundamental deviation; fuselage datum
abbr., cables distributor A (MichaelBurov); floor distributor (MichaelBurov); horizontal cross (MichaelBurov); HC (MichaelBurov)
abbr., cartogr. fog diaphone
abbr., comp., IT Flat Display; Floppy Drive
abbr., comp., net. full duplex
abbr., el. fading depth; fault density; fault dictionary; feature distortion; ferrite duplexer; fiber duct; field decelerating; field-dependent; field descriptor; film density; finished dialing; fixed data; font driver; forward scattering detector; Fourier decomposition; frame description; frame difference; frame disassembler; fuU duplex; fully depleted; functional device; functional diagram; fuzzy degree
abbr., file.ext. File Directory; Floppy Disc; Front Door Resource file; Microsoft Fortran Declaration file
abbr., inet. First Date
abbr., inf. full dress
abbr., IT File Description; File Descriptor; Float Double; Floppy Disk; Full Duplex; file device; floppy diskette
abbr., karate. finite-difference method
abbr., manag. fabrication dossier
abbr., math., scient. Finite Domain; Functional Dependency
abbr., med. Fucking Drunk; Fatal Dose; Fetal Danger; Forceps Delivery; fibrous dysplasia (фиброзная дисплазия doc090); fan douche; fibrinogen derivatives; field dressing
abbr., media. First Draft
abbr., mil. Functional Description; first draft; from temporary duty
abbr., mil., avia. face of drawing
abbr., O&G, sahk.s. Fluor Daniel
abbr., O&G, sakh. field development; Financial Director; fire damper
abbr., oil formation density
abbr., pest.contr. smoke tin
abbr., physiol. Full Diaphragm
abbr., polym. flux density; fractal dimensionality
abbr., post 5 Digit rate category abbreviation on letter mail key line
abbr., railw. Front Derailleur
abbr., scottish Fill Device (Communications); Full Development
abbr., securit. funds dealing
abbr., st.exch. Fair Disclosure; Financial Derivatives; Full Disclosure
abbr., tech. flat dimension
abbr., telecom. floor distributor
abbr., transp. Familial Dysautonomia; Final Destination; Flying Dutchman
ecol., med. fatal dose
energ.ind. failure detector; feeder-distributor; fire detector; flaw detector; flow divider; frequency dependence
mil. fault detection; fault directory; federal document; field depot; field dress; fighter direction; final definition; final design; finance department; finite difference; fire department; fire direction; fire director; flight data; flight deck; force development; forced draft; forward defense; forward depot; free drop; frequency distribution; frequency diversity; fuze delay
tech. dilution factor; file definition; filter/demineralizer; flow diagram; free discharge; freeze dried food; frequency detector; frequency discriminator; frequency divider; frequency domain; frequency drift; full-duplex; function designator; fuse delay
tech., med. focal distance
Fd abbr.
abbr. fjord; ford; F-factor, dry at 0%O2; ferredoxin
abbr., genet. fragment d of immunoglobulin
abbr., med. difficult fragment
energ.ind. tube bundle depth factor
med. ferredoxyne
fd abbr.
abbr. feed; field
abbr., earth.sc. feldspar
abbr., sport. first down
fd. abbr.
abbr. feed; framed
abbr., econ. funding
: 49 phrases in 17 subjects
Firefighting and fire-control systems1
Oil / petroleum2
Oil and gas2
Oil processing plants1