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ESS nstresses
comp., net. управляющий символ конца передачи блока
ess n
gen. эс; название буквы S; крутой изгиб дороги в форме буквы S; чека (у каретной оси); крюк
Makarov. эс (pl -es; название буквы S)
tech. электронный переключатель оборотов
Ess. abbr.
abbr. Эссекс (графство в Англии Anglophile)
ESS [es] abbr.
abbr. эволюционно устойчивая стратегия (evolutionarily stable strategy karpov_hse)
auto. Система аварийного включения стоп-сигнала (EMERGENCY STOP SIGNAL opt-biz)
comp., net. электронная система коммутации
dril. расширяемый противопесочный фильтр (MichaelBurov); расширяющийся противопесочный фильтр (MichaelBurov)
energ.syst. система сохранения энергии (ssn)
gynecol. Стромальная саркома эндометрия (Endometrial Stromal Sarcoma mazurov)
industr. аварийная остановка (emergency shutdown system Karabas)
IT электронная система коммутации
math. объяснимая сумма квадратов (explained sum of squares)
mining. Экологическая и социальная оценка (Environmental and Social Scoping Study baalbeckhan)
O&G расширяющийся песочный фильтр (expandable sand screen Углов)
org.name. Статистический отдел
pedag. УРС (educational speech situation; учебно-речевая ситуация MichaelBurov)
SAP.tech. система самообслуживания сотрудников
 English thesaurus
ESS [es] abbr.
abbr. Employee Satisfaction Survey; Employee Self Service; English Speaking Society; Environmental Sampling Supply; Executive Simplified Summary; Executive Support System; Earle's Salt Solution; Electronic Security Squadron; electronics switching system; Embedded Security System (IBM, TPM); emergency ship service; Environmental Sensor Station (AlexanderGerasimov); Exercise Support Subsystem; experimental SAGE sector; eurosystem Strategic Stock; Exploitation Support Section (JSIPS); Extra Shitty Sound
abbr., AI. Evolutionarily Stable Strategy
abbr., astronaut. European Satellite Society
abbr., auto. electronic spark selection (Cadillac); Energy Storage System (translator911); engine start-stop; energy saving system; engine speed sensor
abbr., avia. engine station stаtors; Entry Sensor System; electric security system; energy storage subsystem; engine start system; engineering scheduling system; engineering status system; engineering support services; engineering survey support; environmental support system; experimental support system; Electronic Surveillance System; Employee Scheduling System; EXCDS Simulation XIO Server
abbr., biol. evolutionary stable strategy
abbr., BrE emergency short stay
abbr., comp., net. electronic switching system
abbr., comp., net., IT Extended Service Set
abbr., dril. expandable sand screen (MichaelBurov)
abbr., ed. Exciting Skill System
abbr., ed., scient. Ethnic Student Services
abbr., el. echo suppression system; electronic scanning system; electronic still picture storage; electron spin spectra; electron surface state; electro studio setting; elementary science study; emergency switching service; empty space in silicon; enterprise storage server; enterprise storage solution; epitaxial silicon surface; event scheduling system; extended step-by-step method; enhanced signal strength; escrow encryption standard; evolutionary stable system; explained sum of squares
abbr., electr.eng. engine speed (на чертеже Julchonok)
abbr., genet. endonuclease sensitive site
abbr., IT Electronic Switching System; Emacs Speaks Statistics; Employee Self-Service
abbr., Makarov. electronic stil store; European space station
abbr., med. Empty Sella Syndrome; Endometrial Stromal Sarcoma; European Spine Society; Euthyroid Sick Syndrome; Excited Skin Syndrome; Squamous Self-healing Epithelioma; Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (эндоскопическая полостная хирургия Шакиров); Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ННатальЯ); erythrosedimentation speed (ННатальЯ); erythrocyte-sensitizing substance
abbr., mil. Electronic Support Shelter; Engineering Support System; Environmental Stress Screening; Exploitation Support System; ELINT Support System; Eye Safety System (qwarty)
abbr., mil., avia. effective static stability
abbr., O&G, casp. Eurest Support Services LLP (Yeldar Azanbayev)
abbr., O&G, karach. emergency shut-down system (Leonid Dzhepko)
abbr., O&G, sakh. Emergency Shutdown System
abbr., O&G, tengiz. Eurest Support Services (Yeldar Azanbayev)
abbr., org.name. Division de la statistique; Divisione statistica
abbr., PCB environmental stress system (Метран)
abbr., physiol., med. Essential Surgical Skill
abbr., progr., IT Emacs Speaks Stat
abbr., scient. Earth And Space Sciences
abbr., scottish Exercise Support System; Exploitation Support Segment (JSIPS); External Suspension System
abbr., st.exch. Essex Property Trust
abbr., stat. European Social Survey (Европейское социальное обследование Азери); European Statistical System (Европейская статистическая система Азери)
abbr., tech. esential
abbr., telecom. extended service set (ssn)
abbr., tradem. Electronic Still Store; Elevator Safety Solutions; Eye Safety Systems
abbr., transp. European Sports Sedan
energ.ind. emergency stop switch; engineering safeguards system; extraction steam system
mil. earth station simulator; educational services section; electronic security surveillance; electronic security system; electronic support squadron; electronic surveillance system; electronic systems simulator; emergency survival system; engineer and signal store; equipment section shell; expendable signal system
tech. efficient sensor system; electronic scanning spectrometer; electrostatic storage; engagement simulation system; engineered safety system; engineering safeguard system; essential direct current bus; evaporation / solidification system; experiment subsystem simulator
Ess. abbr.
abbr. Essex (Anglophile)
ess. abbr.
abbr. essence
ES abbr.
abbr., chem. electron spectroscopy
abbr., mil., air.def. expert system; Earth station; echo sounder; electronic support; electronic-warfare support; electronic surveillance; end system (ATM)
met. energy saving electric drive (ESED 4.0 is a solution that allows extruders to optimize the number of hydraulic pumps for greater energy efficiency. — ESED 4.0 – Решение, которое позволяет экструдерам оптимизировать число гидравлических насосов для повышения энергоэффективности. tajga22)
ESS [es] abbr.
abbr. embedded security subsystem
abbr., astronaut. European Security Strategy (semfromshire)
abbr., auto. Emergency Stop Signal (ВВладимир); Emergency Stop Signal system (ВВладимир); Emergency Signal System (ВВладимир)
abbr., avia. engineering statusing system; essential (AC or DC bus)
abbr., busin. engineer and signal stores; essence; estimate switching system
abbr., earth.sc. Earth-Sighting Simulator; Earth Station-Sudan; economic and scientific section; Economics and Statistics Service; emplaced scientific station; environmental satisfaction scale; environmental science series; Estimated Sea State; experimental synchronous satellite; expert support system
abbr., energ.syst. energy saver system (ssn); energy storage system (YNell)
abbr., fin. electronic submission system
abbr., med. Epworth drowsiness scale (neuromuscular.ru dimock)
abbr., oil electro-spark sintering; electronic scan signal; electronic sequence switch; electronic supervisory system; electronic survey service; electronic survey system; emergency stop system; engine supervisory system; environmental survey satellite; evaluation support system; expendable sound source
abbr., space emergency exit system; energy storage subsystem; entry survival system; equipment support structure; experimental satellite system; experimental servicing satellite; experiment support system
: 13 phrases in 6 subjects
Name of organization1