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EMC abbr.stresses
automat. эпоксидно-слюдяной конденсатор (датчик Pothead)
comp., net. электромагнитная совместимость
dril. контакт серий эллис и мэдисон юрской системы (Ellis-Madison contact)
electric. Электромагнитная совместимость (ЭМС MaRRi-01)
med.appl. ЭМС, электромагнитная совместимость (4everAl1); ЭМС (4everAl1)
eMC abbr.
gen. электронный справочник по лекарственным препаратам (electronic Medicines Compendium Dariy)
 English thesaurus
EMC abbr.
abbr. European Marketing Confederation; Eventually Moshe's Company; Everyone Meets Customers; Excess Margin Corporation; Export Management Company; Earnings Means Crap; Engineering Manpower Commission; Enlisted Men's Club; European Muon Collaboration (Detector); Excess Minority Carriers; embryo-sac mother cell; ceresan
abbr., auto. Electric Motor Controller (Sagoto); electronic management controller; electronic motor control (module)
abbr., avia. entertainment multiplexer controller; electronic material change; engine maintenance centre; essential minimum control; extrusion material change; executive maintenance material council
abbr., chem. ethylmercuric chloride
abbr., comp., net. electromagnetic compatibility
abbr., comp.name. Engelhard Minerals and Chemicals Corp.; European Marine Contractor, Ltd.
abbr., earth.sc. electromagnetic current meter; engineering mockup critical; European Metals Conference; event mean concentrations
abbr., ecol. ethyl mercuric chloride
abbr., el. electronic molding compound; emergency medical communications; emitter-coupled logic; energy-minimization calculation; ensemble Monte Carlo analysis; entertainment, media and communications; ensemble Monte Carlo simulation; epoxy molding compound; European Microwave Conference; evanescent mode coupling; external multiplexer channel; equipment manufacturer code
abbr., el., scient. Electromagnetic capability; Embedded Motion Control
abbr., embryol. egg mother cell
abbr., energ.ind. Energy management contract (IgBar)
abbr., file.ext. E-Mail Connection; Enhanced Memory Chip; Extended Math Coprocessor
abbr., genet. embryo sac mother cell
abbr., inet. Even More Confused
abbr., IT electromagnetic carrier (Alexander Matytsin); expanded math coprocessor
abbr., lab.eq. Extracellular Matrix Component
abbr., law Eliminate Minor Competitors
abbr., med. Electronic Medicines Compendium; Emerging And Other Communicable Diseases Surveillance And Control; Encyclopédie Medico-Chirurgicale; Ensephalomyocarditis; encephalomyocarditis (virus); electron microscope; electron microscopy
abbr., meteorol. electromagnetic casting
abbr., mil. Chief Electricians Mate; Electromagnetic Compatibility
abbr., mil., air.def. electronic measure control
abbr., mil., avia. early midcourse
abbr., O&G Engineering and Methodical Center (Yeldar Azanbayev)
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. Electro Magnetic Compatibility
abbr., oil electro-magnetic survey; electromagnetic contactor; electromagnetically compatible; electronic mode control; emulsified crude; European marine contractors; expert multivariable control; external magnetic coupler; micro-contact caliper log
abbr., oncol. Epithelial-Myoepithelial Carcinoma
abbr., physiol. Extraskeletal Mesenchymal Chondrosarcoma
abbr., relig. Energetic Matrix Church
abbr., scient. Environmental Modeling Center; Equilibrium Moisture Content
abbr., scottish Electro-Magnetic Compatibility; Electromagnetic Coil; Elektronik Mekanik Cihaziar Ticaret Ltd (Turkey); Engin Blinde Mortier Canon (Armoured infantry vehicle (France)); Executive Management Committee
abbr., st.exch. E M C Corporation of Massachusetts
abbr., tradem. Easy Money Corporation; El Mocambo Circus
mil. electronics maintenance center; engine maintenance center; engineered military circuit
tech. electromagnetic cyclotron; electromechanochemical; electronic maintenance center; emergency management coordinator; engineering mockup critical experiment; etched metal circuit; ethylene mercuric chloride; experimental mockup converter
wood. equilibrium moisture content
: 76 phrases in 14 subjects
Electrical engineering1
High energy physics1
Information security and data protection1
Machine tools1
Measuring instruments4