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ECL abbr.stresses
audit. ОКУ (ожидаемые кредитные убытки (IFRS 9) LadaP)
avia. логика с эммитерными связями
bank. организация "Капитал для промышленности" (Великобритания; Equity Capital for Industry)
chem. перечень существующих химических веществ (Existing Chemicals List Max); Закон про контроль над токсическими веществами в Корее (Korean Toxic substance Control Act sumaliak)
dentist. ЦЭС (MichaelBurov); цементно-эмалевое соединение (MichaelBurov); цементно-эмалевая граница (MichaelBurov); эмалево-цементная граница (MichaelBurov); эмалево-цементное соединение (MichaelBurov); контакт эмали с цементом (MichaelBurov); ЭЦГ (MichaelBurov); эмалевоцементная граница (MichaelBurov); эмалевоцементное соединение (MichaelBurov); граница между эмалью и зубным цементом (MichaelBurov)
genet. ЭХЛ (Alex Lilo)
Gruzovik, el. ЭСЛ (emitter-coupled logic)
IT эмиттерно-связанная логика; язык супервизора; язык управления вычислительным процессом
 English thesaurus
ECL abbr.
abbr., fin. equity commitment letter (Ремедиос_П)
ECL abbr.
abbr. Earning Customer Loyalty; EClectic Language (Harvard, TOPS); Emitter Coupled Logic see also >
abbr., auto. engine coolant level; electrogenerated chemi-luminescence; electronic control liquid
abbr., avia. electronics components laboratory; engineering change list; engineering configuration list; electrical cargo loading system
abbr., comp., IT Extended Control Logic
abbr., dentist. CEJ (MichaelBurov); cementum-enamel junction (MichaelBurov); cervical line (MichaelBurov); enamel-cement line (MichaelBurov); enamel-cementum line (MichaelBurov); junction between enamel and cementum (MichaelBurov); tooth cervical line (MichaelBurov); tooth's cervical line (MichaelBurov)
abbr., ed., scient. Extra Credit Library
abbr., el. Eingle condensing lens; Electrical Communication Laboratories; electrocathodoluminescence; engineering computation laboratory; equipment communication layer; external cavity semiconductor laser; external clock
abbr., el., scient. Emitter Coupled Logic
abbr., electr.eng. eddy-current loss
abbr., inet. East Coast LAN Party
abbr., IT Executive Command Level; executive control language
abbr., Makarov. eddy current losses; electrogenerated chemiluminescence; equivalent concentrated load; execution control language
abbr., med. Association Of European Cancer Leagues; Enhanced Chemiluminescence; euglobulinclot lysis time
abbr., mil. Equator Crossing Longitude; Emitter Control Logic (semiconductors)
abbr., mil., WMD engineering control level
abbr., nano emitter-coupled locomotion
abbr., O&G, casp. electrical consumer listing (Yeldar Azanbayev)
abbr., opt. emitter-coupled logic; external cavity laser
abbr., progr., IT Embeddable Common Lisp; Esterel C Language; Execution Control List
abbr., qual.cont. equipment-component list
abbr., railw. Extruded Concrete Lining
abbr., sec.sys., IT Encoder Control List; Exit Control List
abbr., sport. Encounter Challenge Level; Eurpoean Combat League
abbr., st.exch. Ecolab, Inc.
energ.ind. equilibrium carbon looping
mil. English comprehension level; equipment component list
tech. electro generated chemiluminescence; electronic components laboratory; energy conversion laboratory; equipment components list
ECLS abbr.
abbr. Export Contact List Service
abbr., insur. Export Contract List Service
tech. environmental control and life support
ECL abbr.
abbr. Electronic Component Laboratory; emitter-coupled logic (circuit)
abbr., account. expected credit losses (parable)
abbr., avia. eddy current loss; electronic check list; equipment check list; exercise caution while landing
abbr., chem. equivalent carbon-chain length
abbr., commer. Equity Capital for Industry
abbr., comp.name. Exploration Consultant, Limited (Henley)
abbr., earth.sc. Electrochemical Laboratory; exploration consultants limited
abbr., IT electronic cabling link; exchange control logic
abbr., oil electrochemiluminescence; equivalent carbon chain length; expandable completion liner
abbr., tech. Electrically Controlled Lubrication (Сабу)
: 30 phrases in 13 subjects
Aluminium industry1
Information technology3
Life sciences1