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DTT abbr.stresses
chem. ДТТ (дитиотреитол Alex Lilo)
comp. наземное эфирное цифровое телевещание (Belka21)
comp., net. время передачи данных
law соглашение об избежании двойного налогообложения (Double Tax Treaty Artjaazz); СИДН (соглашение об избежании двойного налогообложения – double tax treaty – an agreement (also called DTT) allocating taxing rights between jurisdictions aimed at preventing double taxation and cross-border tax evasion. They are international agreements forming part of the tax law of each state. They generally relieve from taxation and cannot impose a higher tax burden than that arising under domestic legislation.  Artjaazz)
tax., int.rel. СоИДН (double tax treaty – соглашение об избежании двойного налогообложения 'More)
 English thesaurus
DTT abbr.
abbr. detent; Double Taxation Treaty (Leonid Dzhepko); double taxation treaty (Alexander Demidov)
abbr., avia. Director, Technology Training; data time transfer; design tool test; dual targets track; Detroit, Michigan USA
abbr., comp., net. data transmission terminal; data transmission time
abbr., ed. Discrete Trial Teaching
abbr., el. data transmission technique; design for testability technique; design turnaround time; digital trunk translator
abbr., immunol. dithiothreitol
abbr., math., scient. Disjunctive Truth Table
abbr., med. diagnostic and therapeutic team; diphtheria tetanus toxoid
abbr., media. Digital Terrestrial Television
abbr., mil. Discrete Trial Training; Doctrine, Tactics, and Training
abbr., mil., avia. data timing transfer
abbr., oil delta transit time; downhole low inertia temperature transducer; drill-string travel time; dual tubing tong; dynamic tear test
abbr., scottish Driver Training Tank
abbr., sport. Digital Table Tennis
abbr., textile doctor of textile technology
abbr., transp. Diesel Transmission Technology
mil. data transfer timing; desk top trainer; distance to target
tech. design thermal transient; design transition temperature
: 2 phrases in 2 subjects
Oil / petroleum1