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adjective | abbreviation | to phrases
DTL adj.stresses
comp., net. линия передачи данных
IT диодно-транзисторная логика; ди-однотранзисторная логика
tech. диодно-транзисторная логическая схема
dtl abbr.
tech. ДТЛ
 English thesaurus
DTL abbr.
abbr. Detroit Testing Laboratory
abbr., comp. diode transistor logic (circuit)
abbr., earth.sc. deep-limed/tilled soil
abbr., IT dark true logic
abbr., oil damage treatment language; deflection temperature under load; delivering the limit; delta time limiting; delta time log; delta time long spacing
DTL abbr.
abbr., account. deferred tax liabilities (Irina Verbitskaya)
abbr., automat. data table library
abbr., avia. Detroit Lakes, Minnesota USA; dead time log; definite time limit; direct to line; drawing translation list
abbr., comp., net. data transmission line; Designated Transit List
abbr., el. destine transmit list; digital terrestrial link; direct time lock; double transistor logic
abbr., el., scient. Delay time multiplier; Device test module; Digital terrain map; Diode transistor logic
abbr., file.ext. Dialogue Tag Language (IBM)
abbr., IT Document Type Language; Draw The Line
abbr., mil. designator target line
abbr., nano diode-transistor locomotion
abbr., O&G, sakh. Drilling The Limit
abbr., oil differential temperature log; drill-through-leg platform; dual-spaced thermal decay log
abbr., scottish Diode-Transistor Logic
abbr., securit. degree of total leverage
abbr., st.exch. Dal- Tile International, Inc.
comp. digital tracking loop
O&G definite time lag
tech. digital transistor logic; diode transistor logic; direct-to-line; discharge-time lag
dtl abbr.
abbr. detail
DtL abbr.
abbr. drilling to the limit
O&G, sakh. Drilling the Limit (Shell)
dtl. abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. detail
: 13 phrases in 7 subjects
Computer networks2
Mass media5