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noun | abbreviation | to phrases
DPE nstresses
gen. оборудование обработки данных
dpe n
tib. пример; метафора
DPEs n
telecom. блоки DPE (oleg.vigodsky)
DPE abbr.
comp., net. оборудование для обработки данных
 English thesaurus
DPE abbr.
abbr. Data Processing Engineer; Distributed Processing Environment (IN)
abbr., busin. Delivery Project Executive (Natalinka_V)
abbr., comp., net. data processing equipment
abbr., mil., WMD Demilitarization protective ensemble (suits)
abbr., O&G, sakh. double-piston effect
abbr., oil deeper pool extension
airports, avia. Dieppe, France
energ.ind. discipline project engineer
O&G dye-penetrant examination
tech. development project engineer; direct plate exposure; distributor-to-printer electronics; double particle exchange; double-pomeron exchange; dynamic phase error
DPES abbr.
abbr., dentist. Dental Procedure Education System
abbr., mil., air.def. radar picket escort ship
abbr., oil Dresser Petroleum Engineering Services
DPE abbr.
abbr., AI. Dynamic Parameter Encoding
abbr., anim.husb. dehydrated poultry excreta
abbr., auto. digital parametric equalizing
abbr., avia. data processing elephant; design producibility engineers
abbr., chem. dipropyl ether
abbr., earth.sc. data-processing equipment
abbr., el. data parity error; discrete processing element; document protocol element; double pulse excitation
abbr., mil., air.def. data processing element
abbr., mil., avia. data processing equipment
abbr., O&G, casp. dual phase extraction (Yeldar Azanbayev)
abbr., oil desoxophyllerythrin
abbr., pharm. dipivalyl epinephrine
abbr., progr. distributed processing environment (ssn)
abbr., sport., med. diastolic pressure elevated
abbr., water.res. dual-phase extraction
: 6 phrases in 3 subjects
Weapons of mass destruction2