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CPR abbr.stresses
gen. свод нормативных постановлений, относящихся к контролируемым видам продукции (США IVI_lady); искусственное дыхание (cardiopulmonary resuscitation Anya Zaitseva); Правила гражданского судопроизводства (Civil Procedure Rules (Великобритания) gov.uk Tanya Gesse); первичные реанимационные действия в полевых условиях (до прибытия медиков Rust71)
abbr. правила гражданского судопроизводства (Yakov)
astronaut. утверждение полезной нагрузки
avia. ПОД (compulsory reporting point, рус.пункт обязательного донесения caiga.ru Anchovies)
busin. отчёт компетентного лица (Competent Person's Report H-Jack)
dan. Центральный реестр физических лиц (CPR stands for Central Person Register, which is a Civil Registration System. Residents of Denmark are legally required to have a CPR number. You will need it to open a bank account, get a Danish phone number, loan books from the library, take out insurance, pay tax, receive salary etc. The CPR number consists of ten digits. The first six digits are your date of birth (day, month and year) while the last four digits provide a unique identification number for all citizens in Denmark. The final four numbers also indicate your gender, ending in even numbers for women and odd numbers for men. Alex_Odeychuk)
EBRD Ежегодный / Годовой обзор портфеля (Country Portfolio Review)
Gruzovik, mil. доклад о расходах МО США (cost performance report; ежемесячно направляется военным подрядчиком закупочному органу МО США)
Gruzovik, scient. коммерческий энергетический реактор (commercial power reactor)
hindi заявка на закупку капитального оборудования (Capital Purchase Request Шандор)
inf. реанимация (Rust71)
law Гражданско-процессуальный кодекс Великобритании (Civil Procedure Rules Igor Kondrashkin); Правила гражданского судопроизводства (Великобритания; Civil Procedure Rules LadaP)
med. СЛР (cardiopulmonary resuscitation, сердечно-легочная реанимация Noia); сердечно-лёгочная реанимация (cardiopulmonary resuscitation – Реанимация, включающая искусственное дыхание и непрямой массаж сердца Aspect); ЦПР (iwona)
obst. церебро-плацентарное соотношение (ЦПС Ю.Мысловская)
pharma. свидетельство о регистрации продукта (Certificate of Product Registration WiseSnake)
securit. competent person's report – отчёт компетентного лица (pchela)
transpl. реанимационные мероприятия (MichaelBurov)
 English thesaurus
CPR abbr.
abbr. Committee on Polar Research; Coffee Provides Resuscitation; Chairman's Program Recommendations; Command Performance Review (or Report); controlled products regulations (dms); Construction Products Regulation (Ace Translations Group); contingency, priority, and risk (XeniyaX); Canadian Pacific Railway; Chinese People's Republic; chlorophenyl red; complete read-out; constant parent regression; civil procedure rules
abbr., agric. Columbian Plymouth Rock
abbr., auto. collision pulse recorder
abbr., avia. Casper, Wyoming USA; compressor pressure ratio; chirp-to-power ratio; cost-performance ratio; circular polarization ratio; coherent pulse radar; computer program request; contract performance report; crack propagation rate; critical problem report; customer problem report
abbr., biol. Candidate Phyla Radiation (YNell)
abbr., busin. corporation
abbr., Canada Canadian Controlled Products Regulations (Нормы, относящиеся к контролируемым видам продукции, в Канаде MORaTi)
abbr., chem., scient. Catch Photograph And Release
abbr., commer. Chairman's Program Recommendation
abbr., earth.sc. circularly polarized to the right; cobourg peninsula reserve; Community Plankton Respiration; constant percent rule
abbr., econ. Council of Permanent Representatives (Совет постоянных представителей Азери)
abbr., ed., scient. Course Progress Report
abbr., el. call processor; chloride close-proximity reactor; common pulse-signaling receiver; constant packet rate; constant percentage resolution; control program for real-time; current page register; cut paraboloidal reflector; cyclotron parametric resonance
abbr., electr.eng. commercial power reactor
abbr., file.ext. Presentation (Corel Presents)
abbr., inet. Coffee Provides Refreshment
abbr., IT Computerized Patient Record; cross polar ratio
abbr., lab.law. Confidential Performance Report (Пахно Е.А.)
abbr., law Code Of Professional Responsibility; Conflict Prevention and Resolution (Tatiana S)
abbr., Makarov. concrete pavement restoration
abbr., med. cardiopulmonary resuscitation (spanishru); C-reactive Protein; Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation; curved planar reformat (harser); Curved Planar Reconstruction (Natalya Rovina); cardiopulmonary resuscitation (MichaelBurov); cerebroplacental ratio (spanishru); cerebral-cortex perfusion rate; chlorpromazine hydrochloride; Committee on Patient's Rights; cortison production rate; current population report; cardiopulmonary resuscitation (серцево-легенева реанімація Anuvadak)
abbr., media. Community Power Radio
abbr., met. casting pressing rolling
abbr., mil. Combat Power Radio
abbr., mil., avia. chief parachute rigger
abbr., mil., WMD cost performance report; cost performance Report/Review
abbr., nautic., scient. Continuous Plankton Recorder
abbr., nucl.pow. corporate peer review (ВосьМой)
abbr., O&G cardiac pulmonary resuscitation
abbr., O&G, sakh. Completions Performance Review
abbr., oil Consolidated Permit Regulations; cost per repair; casing pressure regulator; casing pressure relief; casing properties ratio; chemical paraffin remover; composite production riser; constrained pressure residual; continuous property record; Copper River Meridian (Alaska)
abbr., oncol., med. Cancer Progress Report
abbr., plann. common property resource
abbr., relig. Cultivate Plant And Reap
abbr., scottish Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation; Common Practice Round
abbr., securit. constant prepayment rate
abbr., space carrier performance rating; chemical propulsion rocket; coherent-pulse radar; compressible periodic rocket; crack-propagation rate
abbr., st.exch. Competent Person's Report (Kenny Gray)
abbr., tech. Construction Product Regulation (Регламент ЕС № 305/2011 Конструкционные и строительные материалы fa158)
abbr., tradem. Condominium Property Regime
chem., abbr. Corrosion penetration rate
mil., abbr. chief of public relations; civilian personnel records; civilian personnel regulations; clothing pattern repository; combat power ratio; consolidated progress report; continuing property records; contract procurement request; contractor performance record; crew provisioning report
tech., abbr. changing pulse radar; critical power ratio
cpr abbr.
O&G copper
progr. counts per revolution (отсчетов на оборот, мера разрешения угловых энкодеров vasuk)
cpr. abbr.
abbr. copyrighted
abbr., econ. corporation
Cpr abbr.
abbr. pseudoreduced compressibility
CpR abbr.
abbr., el. process capability index
: 19 phrases in 10 subjects
Emergency medical care2
Medical appliances1
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation1