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IT смесь; химическое соединение; компаунд; составной оператор
CPD abbr.
gen. параллельная разработка изделий; заявление лиц, находящихся в родственных связях (Aiduza)
auto. Департамент Полиции Чикаго (Chicago Police Department, IL Марат Каюмов)
dentist. ГЗ (clinical probing depth – (клиническая) глубина при зондировании MichaelBurov); глубина при зондировании (MichaelBurov); клиническая глубина при зондировании (MichaelBurov)
dril. бурение с контролем давления (controlled pressure drilling Шакиров)
econ. подразделение коммерческих товаров (commercial products division alienooshka)
int.rel. Комиссия ООН по народонаселению и развитию (The United Nations Commission on Population and Development SWexler)
polym. циклопентадиен (ЦПД Mus)
sol.pow. контактная разность потенциалов
cpd abbr.
Gruzovik, scient. разность потенциалов тока (current potential difference)
CPD control panel of device abbr.
nucl.pow. ПУМ пульт управления механизмом (natty0208)
 English thesaurus
CPD abbr.
abbr. Certified Powerbuilder Developer; Collaborative Product Design; Continual Professional Development; Carolina Power and Light Company; Centralized Physician Database; Centre of Plant Diversity; Charlotte Police Department; Citrate Phosphate Dextrose; Civilian Personnel Directorate; Committee on the Present Danger; Common Picture Display; comprehensive programme of disarmament; Conference Of Professional Development; Congressional Presentation Document; Contact Potential Differences; Contract and Purchase Department; Convex Polyhedron Decomposition; Coober Pedy, South Australia, Australia; Continuing Personal Development (Johnny Bravo)
abbr., adv. cost per duration (Zirilla)
abbr., automat. cumulative percentage deviation
abbr., avia. collaborative product development; continuing product development; concurrent production definition; crew procedures division; curve path distance; cutoff and pierce die
abbr., biotechn. Cumulative Population Doubling (paseal)
abbr., busin. carriage paid
abbr., chem. critical point drying
abbr., commer. Capability Production Document
abbr., commun. copolarisation discrimination
abbr., dentist. clinical probing depth (MichaelBurov); probing depth (MichaelBurov); PD (MichaelBurov)
abbr., earth.sc. chlorination plus dechlorination
abbr., econ. charterer pays dues
abbr., ed., scient. Continuous Professional Development
abbr., el. calls per day; central pulse distributor; charge pipette device; chromatic position difference; clock pulse driver; command processor and distributor; communication processing definitions; composite profile dispersion parameter; computer peripheral device; spherically concave controlled porosity dispenser (cathode emitter surface); contact-potential difference
abbr., electr.eng. contact potential difference
abbr., file.ext. Complaints Desk Script file; Fax Cover document
abbr., IT certified PowerBuilder developer (Bricker); Clarion Professional Developer; concurrent product development
abbr., med. Cephalo-pelvic Disproportion; Childhood Or Congenital Polycystic Disease; Chronic Protein Deprivation; Contagious Pustular Dermatitis; Continuing Professional Development; cephalopelvic disproportion; continuous professional development; cooperative programmes for development
abbr., media. Cleveland Plain Dealer
abbr., mil. combat plans division; capabilities production document; NATO Committee on Public Diplomacy
abbr., mil., avia. central procurement division
abbr., mol.biol. cyclobutane pyrimidine dimer (Min$draV)
abbr., nautic. Charterers Pay Dues
abbr., O&G, sakh. conductivity, pressure, and depth (profiler)
abbr., oil cadmium pentamethylene dithiocarbamate; charter pays dues; circuit protection device; cloud point detector; coaxial power divider; computer produced drawing; cost per day; crude processing deal; cumulative probability distribution; cumulative probability of detection; cyclopentadiene
abbr., opt. charge-primed device
abbr., physiol. chronic peritoneal dialysis (Игорь_2006); CephaloPelvic Disproportion; Cerebral Palsy Disability
abbr., R&D. Chemical and Pharmaceutical Development (BabaikaFromPechka)
abbr., refr.mat. Construction Products Directive (annasav)
abbr., securit. Commissioner of Public Debt
abbr., space charge priming device; concurrent product definition
biochem. Carboxypeptidase
mil. center for professional development; central postal directory; civilian personnel division; combat potential display; communications processor and display; consolidated programming document
physiol., med. Cephalopelvic Disproportion
tech. chaff packs dispenser; charge-priming device; command processor distributor; condensate pump discharge
cpd abbr.
abbr. compounded
abbr., tech. cycle per day
chem. compound
cpd. abbr.
polym. compound
: 13 phrases in 7 subjects
Automated equipment3