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COF abbr.stresses
gen. СРГ (pmp2014); ТВГ (pmp2014)
el. монтаж бескорпусных ИС на поверхность гибкого ленточного кристаллоносителя; поверхностный монтаж кристаллов на гибкий ленточный кристаллоноситель; межсоединения на уровне кристалл – гибкий ленточный кристаллоноситель
O&G, tengiz. терминал разгрузки грузов (Aiduza); Сооружения для Разгрузки Грузов (СРГ ElviVine); Сооружение Временного Хранения Грузов (СВХГ; Cargo Offloading Facility ElviVine); разгрузочный причал (Aiduza)
oil расчётный дебит при фонтанной добыче (calculated open flow)
PCB монтаж на гибкую печатную плату (LyuFi)
 English thesaurus
COF abbr.
abbr. cost of fuel; Officers' Christian Fellowship of the USA; Correct Operation Factor
abbr., addit. covalent organic framework (silver_glepha)
abbr., astronaut. Columbus Orbital Facility (pressurized laboratory)
abbr., avia. centrifugal oil filter
abbr., busin. certificate of fitness
abbr., corp.gov. official consultant of FAO
abbr., EBRD cost of funds
abbr., el. chip on film (packaging); chip-on-flex; chip on flexible board; coaxial optical fiber; computer operations facility; cut-off frequency
abbr., IT cursor off
abbr., med. Cup Of Fungus; cobra venom factor
abbr., mil. Classroom of the Future; chief of fires; conduct of fire
abbr., mil., air.def. ciphering offset
abbr., mus. Cradle Of Filth
abbr., nano covalent organic framework (MichaelBurov)
abbr., oil connectivity factor; crude oil factor
abbr., PCB chip-on-flex technology (LyuFi)
abbr., plast. Coefficient of Friction
abbr., relig. Cross Of Fire
abbr., st.exch. Capital One Financial Corporation
abbr., tax. courier fee commision (Yuriy83)
abbr., tech. Calculated Open Flow (Vosoni); Consequence Of Failure (Vosoni)
abbr., telecom. Coordination Function
energ.ind. cash outflow; coal-oil fuel; cooling of fuel
mil. contractor overhaul facility
tech. cutoff frequency
CoF abbr.
abbr. Chaplain of the Fleet; Chief of Finance
abbr., genet. coenzyme F
cof abbr.
abbr., el. cause of failure
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