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BTR abbr.stresses
O&G. tech. тепловая мощность котла
 English thesaurus
BTR abbr.
abbr. barrel tile roof; Bibliography of Technical Reports; BMEWS test procedure; BMEWS test report; British Transport Police (Interex); Bureau of Trade Regulation; bus transfer; bush transfer; FSU Armored Personnel Carrier; block transfer rate
abbr., auto. best time of the race; brake transmission ratio
abbr., avia. Baton Rouge, Louisiana USA; bus tie relay (Interex)
abbr., busin. bank transfer; barter; better; butter
abbr., comp., net. bit transfer rate
abbr., comp.name. British Tyre and Rubber Co., Ltd.
abbr., earth.sc. Belgian Thermal Reactor
abbr., el. behind-the-tape-reader; bit timing recovery; British Telecommunications Research Ltd.; broadcast and television receiver; bus timing register; bypass tape reader
abbr., IT Bit Test and Reset
abbr., Makarov. behind tape reader
abbr., med. Bezold-type reflex; broad temperature range
abbr., mil. BroneTransporteR
abbr., mil., avia. bearing time recorder
abbr., oil boiler thermal rating; bottle rack
abbr., physiol., med. Biceps Tendon Reflex
abbr., space bit time recovery
abbr., st.exch. Bradley Real Estate, Inc.
energ.ind. burner turndown ratio
mil. bearing/time recorder; block tape recorder
physiol. Biceps tendon reflex
tech. battery; bit-timing recovery; blade thickness ratio; boron thermal regeneration; broadcast and television receivers
Btr abbr.
gen. Bachelor of Translation (Johnny Bravo)
BTR: 4 phrases in 3 subjects
Automated equipment1