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BTC nstresses
inet. биткойн (Ying)
st.exch. биткойн криптовалюта (bitcoin rakhmat)
BTC abbr.
gen. кэш-память целевых команд ветвлений
cryptogr. криптовалюта BTC (MichaelBurov); криптовалюта Биткойн (MichaelBurov); криптовалюта Биткоин (MichaelBurov)
fin. Код бизнес-операции (Mag A)
Gruzovik, econ. Британская транспортная комиссия (British Transport Commission); Банковская траст-компания (Banker’s Trust Company; действует с 1908 г.; ведущий коммерческий банк (США))
O&G. tech. Начальный момент закрытия (break to close carinadiroma)
 English thesaurus
BTC abbr.
abbr., avia. battery tie contactor; Boeing Tianjin Composite Co., Ltd; bus transfer contactor
abbr., el. batch terminal controller; Bell Telephone Company of Canada; bias and temperature cycling (test); block transfer controller; broadcasting transmission control
abbr., mil., air.def. Bayesian tracking confirm
abbr., tech. beginning of transition curve
BTCS abbr.
abbr., auto. brake traction control system
BTCs abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. breakthrough curve; breakthrough curves
BTCS abbr.
abbr., el. basic terminal control system
BTC abbr.
abbr. Belmont Technical College; Bridge-and-Tunnel Crowd; Bachelor of Textile Chemistry; Between The Cheeks; Big Thick Canadian; Biting The Carpet (DFUE-Slang, Usenet); Bobby The Cunt; British Textile Confederation; British Transport Commission; Building Trades Council
abbr., amer. Basic Training Center
abbr., avia. bus tie contactor (Interex)
abbr., cryptogr. Bitcoin (MichaelBurov)
abbr., dril. buttress-threaded connection (MichaelBurov)
abbr., earth.sc. breakthrough curve; breakthrough curves
abbr., EBRD business training centre
abbr., ed., scient. Bates Technical College
abbr., energ.ind. before top dead centre
abbr., file.ext. Bit Test and Complement
abbr., fin. Business Transaction Code (Mag A); Brazil Training Center
abbr., inet. Better Type Carefully
abbr., IT Bit Test Complement; Branch Target Cache
abbr., manag. budget to completion
abbr., med. Biologically Targeted Coherent; Blood Transfusion Centre; Borgwaldt Test Centre; barriers to care
abbr., met. black threaded and coupled (черная труба с резьбой и муфтой Филимонов)
abbr., mil. Best Technical Course; Biochemical Test Coordinator; Boiler Technician Chief; blood transshipment center
abbr., mil., avia. base transition coordinator
abbr., O&G, sakh. Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan project; buttress connection
abbr., O&G. tech. buttress-thread connection (igisheva); buttress thread and coupling (igisheva)
abbr., oil Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan; benefit-to-cost (ratio); block transfer controller; booster test conductor; breakthrough chromatography; buttress thread connection (coupled); buttress thread coupling; buttress threaded & coupled connection
abbr., physiol., med. Bovine Tracheal Cartilage
abbr., polym. benzene tetrachloride
abbr., railw. Birmingham Terminal
abbr., relig. Burn This Church
abbr., space bus tie connector
abbr., tradem. Badger Truck Center; Beverage Trading Company
abbr., transp. Bridge and Tunnel Crowd
mil. basic technical course; buried trench concept
O&G Baku Ceyhan pipeline
tech. before top center; beginning of tape control; bit time counter; block truncation coding
btc abbr.
abbr., chem. 1,3,5-benzenetricarboxylic acid (1,3,5-бензолтрикарбоновая кислота; тримезиновая кислота ileen)
: 5 phrases in 5 subjects
Food industry1
Information technology1
Oil and gas1