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B [bi:] nstresses
gen. вторая буква английского алфавита; вторая буква английской азбуки
amer. отметка "хорошо"
chem. бор (обозначение хим. элемента Lubovj)
conv.notation. группа крови В (Ш)
dril. градус Боме (degree Beaume)
engl., conv.notation. годен к службе в наземных частях авиации (военно-учётная категория)
geol. бурзянская эра (MichaelBurov); бурзянская эратема (MichaelBurov); бурзянский возраст (MichaelBurov); нижний рифей (MichaelBurov); ранний рифей (MichaelBurov); бурзянский период (MichaelBurov); бурзянский век (MichaelBurov); бурзянская эпоха (MichaelBurov)
med. бета-клетка; β-клетка (выделяющая инсулин)
media. основной синий цвет
mus. нота си; си (буквенное обозначение звука); нота Ха
mus., germ. си-бемоль
b [bi:] n
gen. Бельгия
BS abbr.
gen. обманывать, дурить (he is not going to BS you or tell you what you want to hear unfa-a-air)
astronaut. ЗУ для хранения массивов данных
chem.fib. БЧ (Vl_T); базальтовая чешуя (Vl_T)
commer. перед отправкой (before shipping (payment terms in invoices) Boris54)
dril. грязь (bottom settlings)
ed. Бакалавр наук (Bachelor of Science Аэленна)
el. базовая станция; код базовой станции; центральная станция (подвижной службы); расщепитель пучка
geophys. акустический каротаж (borehole sonic Alexander Dolgopolsky)
Gruzovik, econ. предъявительный вексель (bill of sight)
Gruzovik, IT возврат на шаг (backspace; a format effector which moves the active position one character position backwards on the same line)
inf. ложь на голубом глазу (SirReal)
IT возврат на позицию
O&G, sahk.r. британский стандарт (bis)
O&G. tech. Бюро стандартов США (Bureau of Standards; источник: словарь Извекова); Бюро стандартов США (Bureau of Standards; источник: словарь Извекова)
oil донные осадки (bottom sediment); основной осадок (basic sediment); стандарт Великобритании (British Standard); Бюро стандартов; донный осадок (bottom sediment)
pipes., tradem. обозначение сварных труб, выпускаемых фирмой Borusan Holding AS (Турция)
SAP. баланс (Lub-off)
slang студент, получивший степень бакалавра
swiss. полукантон Базель-Штадт ('More)
tech. реле горелки (Burner Switch Johnny Bravo); базовая станция сети железнодорожной радиосвязи (ROGER YOUNG)
telecom. Автоматизированная система расчётов (за услуги связи Georgy Moiseenko); base station, базовая станция, БС (Быстров); РвС (Лена55); радиовещательная служба (Лена55)
bs abbr.
math., IT возврат
tech. британский стандарт
 English thesaurus
BS abbr.
abbr. Balance Sheet; Be Sure; Boy Scout; Boy Scouts; Britney Spears; Buy, Sell; bullshit (дерьмо Oleg Sollogub); Bachelor of Surgery; Brain Size; bear service; broadcasting service; balance-sheet; battleship; Biological Society; Biophysical Society; Biochemical Society; bomb sight; bomb store; Botanical Society; British Standard Wire Gauge; Brown and Sharpe Wire Gage; Back Stage; BackSpace one record (IBM, VM/ESA, CP); Bad Science; Bad Stories; Badly Stated; Baking Soda; Balloon Spit; Balloon Stories; Balls Of Shame; Baloney Sausage; Banded Signaling; Baptist Stuff; Barber Shop; Bare Soil; Baryon Strangeness; Base Saturation; Basic Service; Batch Script; Batch System; Bay State; Be Sweet; beams and stringers; Bear Spotter; Beautiful Sunshine; Bechtel Shell; Been Stomped; Before System; Belief Stuff; bell and spigot; Bell South; Below Slab; Ben Skywalker; Beneficiary state (Andrey250780); Beth Salpeter; Bethlehem Steel Corporation; Better Solutions; Big Secret; Bigger Surpluses; Bilingual Scam; bill of sale; Bill Sanders; Birmingham Southern Railroad Company; Bismuth Sulfite; Bismuth Sulphite; Bit Stupid; Bitch Slap; Bite Stamps; Biting Sarcasm; black scale; Black Sunday; Black Swallowtail; Blessed Sacrament; Blowing Smoke; Blown Save; Blue Soul; Blue Springs; Bob Schmidt; Body Smell; Bolshevik Storytelling; Bone Stock; borescope; Boston Field Office; both sides; Bound Seam (Vosoni); Brain State; Brain Stretching; Brilliant Soliloquy; Brilliant Speech; Bring Snickers; Broad Specificity; Broadcast Satellite; Broadcast Service; Broadcasting Satellite; Brown & Sharpe Wire Gage; Brown and Sharpe wire gauge; Brown Snowmen; Brown Student; Buick Sport; Build System; Bulls Signature; Bunny Slippers; Bus School; Bus State; Business Simplified; Business Stupidity; Busted Students; Butt Speak; Buxton Sales; Buzzword Saturation; Bill of Sale; block sale/selling; butterfly spread
abbr., agric., chem. basic slag
abbr., anim.husb. Biometric Society
abbr., auto. both side; brake switch; Brown & Sharpe wire gauge; buckle sensor; busy shift
abbr., automat. base speed; bulk storage
abbr., avia. burner staging (Interex); basic standard; block speed; bombsight; bug speed; body station (peristeraki); backing strip; baseline specification; bonded storeroom; box spanner (wrench)
abbr., busin. bales; bill of store; bounties; buffer stock; bundles; business survey index
abbr., cartogr. blacksmith shop; blacksmithy; boundary stone
abbr., chem. bottom settlings (sediment); n-butyl stearate
abbr., commer. Bureau of Standard
abbr., commun. Basic/Bearer Service; Backbone Switch
abbr., comp. Binary Search (Vosoni); Binary Subtraction (Vosoni); Bit Synchronizer (Vosoni)
abbr., comp., net. basis station
abbr., dril. base case (MichaelBurov); bit sub
abbr., earth.sc. backscattering spectrometry; bags; barents sea; basisphenoid; Bering Sea; big sandy; Biological Society (US); biotite skarn; Birmingham Standard Wire Gage; bu£fer stock; bustamite
abbr., econ. brain storming
abbr., ed. Black Sheep; Bachelor of Science (LyuFi)
abbr., ed., scient. Ball State University; Basel Stadt; Business School
abbr., el. backup server; backward supervision; band structure; bank select; beam steering; bearer service; below specification; bit string; blackboard structure; blind sending; boundary scan; bromostyrene; buffer size; buffer storage; bundled software; buried structure; bus status; bus system
abbr., el., scient. Base Station; Beam Splitter; British Standard
abbr., energ.syst. bypass switch (ssn)
abbr., expl. british standards
abbr., fr. Basel-Stadt ((нем. Basel-Stadt, Bâle-Ville) — небольшой немецкоязычный полукантон на севере Швейцарии. Объединяет город Базель и муниципалитеты Беттинген и Риэн. Столица — город Базель. 'More)
abbr., GOST. branch standard (igisheva)
abbr., inet. Best Site; The Binding Site
abbr., IT Backspace; bachelor of science (Bricker); backspace (character); BackSpace (Bricker); binary subtract; back space (ASCII character)
abbr., karate. bow shock
abbr., med. Bachelor Of Science; Bacillus Subtilis; Bartter Syndrome; Bedside; Bowel Sound; Breath Sound; Behcet Syndrome; Blood Sugar; Bloom Syndrome; Bowel Sounds; Bronchial Secretion; Bachelor of Science (Baccalaureus Scientiae); breath sounds (Vosoni); Bone scinitigraphy (iwona); benzyl salicylate; Biological Sciences; Biological Standardization; Biometrical Society; blood-sugar; boredom susceptibility
abbr., meteorol. Bjork-Shile (Бьорк-Шили harser)
abbr., mil. BackScatter; battle staff; broadcast source
abbr., mil., air.def. beam scheduling; beam spliter
abbr., mount. breaking strain
abbr., O&G, sakh. booster station; Business Services, HR
abbr., oil backscattering; backsight; base sediment; basic sediment; bottom sediment; bottom settlings; back-scattering spectrometry; ball sealers; base salt; bearing seal; bent sub; Bessemer steel; biosurfactant; Birmingham Standard Wire Gauge; bit shank; bit size; bit space; bit steerability; bituminous surface; blind shear ram; blue stone formation; boiler survey; Boliviano; Bone Spring; bore-to-stroke ratio; borosilicate; boundstone; braided stream; breaker slots; breaking strength; bright spot; bright stock; British Standards; burst spacing; button switch; butyl stearate; Venezuelan Bolivar
abbr., opt. bandstop
abbr., pharm. sodium bisulfite (Altuntash)
abbr., phys. Back Scattering (Vosoni); Band-stop filter (Vosoni); Base Shield (Vosoni); Binary Scale (Vosoni)
abbr., physiol. Breath Sounds
abbr., physiol., med. Blood sugar
abbr., plast. butadiene-styrene copolymer; n-N-tert-benzothiazole-2-sulfenamide stearate
abbr., polit. Bahamas; Bassas Da India
abbr., polym. bottom settling; Bureau of Standards
abbr., progr. building services (ssn)
abbr., progr., IT Block Size
abbr., radio shield base connection
abbr., refrig. National Bureau of Standards
abbr., relig. Belief System; Bible Study
abbr., scient. Biomedical Sciences; Business Studies
abbr., scottish Broadcasting Station
abbr., shipb. bilge suction
abbr., slang bull shit; bullshit (as in ""dude, that's a bunch of BS" Val_Ships)
abbr., space biological satellite
abbr., sport, bask. blocked shot (4ooo)
abbr., sport. blown save; backside (в скейтбординге: способ подъезда к цели bajituka)
abbr., tech. batch size (Метран); back sight
abbr., textile bodysuit; British Leather Confederation
abbr., transp. Bumper Sticker
abbr., uncom. building structure (igisheva)
energ.ind. biomass solid; black start
mil. ballistic shell; base salvage; base section; base shell; base supply; body shell; bomb service; bomber squadron; border surveillance; broadcast station
O&G non-linear gap width
railw. refrigerator express
tech. backspace character; band setting; band-stop; beta spectrometer; blank space; bonded single silk; bounded single-silk; buffer stage; byte size
Bs abbr.
abbr. blacksmith; bombers
abbr., earth.sc. basalt; bismuthinite; bluestone formation; bremsstrahlung
abbr., phys. saturation induction
bs abbr.
abbr. brass; blood sugar
abbr., med. base
insur. Boxes
spectr. broad singlet (сокращение, принятое при характеристике спектра ЯМР. В отечественной практике функционирует аналогичное сокращение - "уш.с" (уширенный синглет) Min$draV)
Bs. abbr.
abbr., libr. broadside
abbr., mech.eng. blacksmith
bs. abbr.
abbr., libr. boxes
: 252 phrases in 75 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Analytical chemistry1
Antennas and waveguides1
Automated equipment1
Chemical compounds1
Computer networks1
Food industry1
High energy physics1
Hotel industry1
Information security and data protection3
Information technology4
Inorganic chemistry1
Law enforcement1
Mass media22
Mechanic engineering3
Medical appliances3
Military lingo2
Nuclear and fusion power2
Obsolete / dated1
Oil / petroleum7
Oil and gas2
Oil and gas technology2
Oils and lubricants1
Political economy1
Printed circuit boards1
Sakhalin A1
SAP finance2
Security systems1