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BC abbr.stresses
gen. год до нашей эры (AD ставится перед датой (AD64), BC – после (300BC); при указании столетия и то и другое идёт после числительного (second century AD, fourth century BC) Ruth; Жёсткого правила в отношении положения сокращения нет, о чём свидетельствует данный пример: Herod the Great built what he thought was an impregnable fortress at Masada, near the Dead Sea, but it fell to the Romans in 73 A.D. VLZ_58); до нашей эры (MichaelBurov); год до н.э. (MichaelBurov); год до Рождества Христова (MichaelBurov); свидетельство о рождении; до Рождества Христова (MichaelBurov); год до Р.Х. (MichaelBurov); год до РХ (MichaelBurov)
bank. банковский клиринг (bank clearing); безналичные расчёты между банками (bank clearing); вексель (bill of collection)
busin. коммерческая компания (gconnell)
dent.impl. кортикальная пластинка (MichaelBurov)
ed. Колледж Барнарда, Барнард Колледж (Один из колледжей Колумбийского университета (Нью-Йорк) AGaliguzov)
el. обозначение для радиовещательных станций (принятое МСЭ)
Gruzovik, econ. Комитет по ассигнованиям (Budget Committee); насыпной, навалочный, или наливной груз (bulk cargo); бестарный груз (bulk cargo)
Gruzovik, mil. командование бомбардировочной авиации (Bomber Command)
Gruzovik, polit. Британский совет (British Council; правительственная организация по развитию культурных связей с зарубежными странами (Великобритания))
mil. КБ (battery commander; командир батареи WiseSnake); баллистический коэффициент (ballistic coefficient Pothead)
mol.biol. бактериальная целлюлоза (zoologist)
O&G сокр. от Bearden's consistency unit = единица консистенции (цементного раствора) Бирдена (стандартная единица по стандарту API Углов)
oil забойный штуцер (bottom choke); баррелей конденсата (число, barrels of condensate)
ophtalm. базовая кривизна контактной линзы (base curve Ying)
SAP.tech. тайная копия
sec.sys. повышение устойчивости функционирования (business continuity Pashkovsky)
tech. контроллер горелки (Burner Controller Johnny Bravo)
tech., abbr. обозначение для выводов, соединённых с цокольным экраном; обозначение для радиовещательных станций
telecom. способность переноса (bearer capability Alex Lilo)
bc abbr.
adv. радиовещание
Bc  abbr.
cem. Единица Бердена (Время загустевания до консистенции 100 Вс Stella70)
 English thesaurus
BC abbr.
abbr. Border Collie; Baja California; barcode; Before Christ; Before Christmas; Big Country; Birth Certificate; Broome County; Budget Constraint; Business Center; Business Confidence; B.C. (MichaelBurov); B.C.E. (MichaelBurov); BCE (MichaelBurov); before Christ (MichaelBurov); before Christian Era (MichaelBurov); before Common Era (MichaelBurov); before Current Era (MichaelBurov); before the Christian Era (MichaelBurov); before the Common Era (MichaelBurov); before the Current Era (MichaelBurov); year B.C. (MichaelBurov); year BC (MichaelBurov); year before Christ (MichaelBurov); year before Christian Era (MichaelBurov); year before Common Era (MichaelBurov); year before Current Era (MichaelBurov); year before the Christian Era (MichaelBurov); year before the Common Era (MichaelBurov); year before the Current Era (MichaelBurov); Bovine Cortex; Board Certified (Artjaazz); bombardment code; British Colombia; British Commonwealth; British Corp.; broadcasting wave; Building Centre; Bachelor of Chemistry; Back Care; back-connected; Ballot Counter; barge, cargo; barrier coat; Basic Component; Bat Cave; Battery Check; Battle Command; Battlecars; Be Compassionate; Be Compta; Bear Conservation; Beautiful Coconut; Bechtel Corporation; Before Cable; Before Carter; Before Castro; Before Children; Before Clinton; Before Coffee; Before Credit; bell cord; Bells Cup; Beneficiary country (twinnning Andrey250780); Benefit Cost; Berlin Command; Bernhard Center; between centers; Beyond Crap; Bias Contrast; Big Calculator; Bighorn Canyon; binary counter; birth certificate (Vosoni); Blessed Child; Blind Copy; Blind Courtesy; Blood Clan; Bloody Cold; Board of Control; bolt circle; Bond Centered; bookcase; Boron Carbide; bottom chord; Boundary Current; Boundless Courage; Boys Crown; Breeding Gain; Bring Cash; broadcasting satellite; Brunswick Corporation; Budget Committee; Bull Crap; Buoyancy Compensator; Burst Committed; Business Copy; Butt Cheese; Buying Criteria; Committed Burst Size; business card (Technical)
abbr., AI. Broad-Category based approach
abbr., auto. blower control; before control; brake cylinder
abbr., automat. below center
abbr., avia. baseline configuration; basic configuration; block check; bottom centricity; baggage cargo (container); ballistic coefficient; battery controller; bell crank; beam control; beginning climb; bit chuck; bomb control; business to consumer; Air Transport International Lic (Cargo)
abbr., avia., med. bone conduction
abbr., billiar. billiard club
abbr., biol. back cross
abbr., box. boxing club
abbr., BrE Bomber Command
abbr., busin. Business Company (Natalya Rovina); baggage checked; balance commercial; bank correspondent; beneficial cost; Biological-Chemical; black and colours; bronze casting; beginning and ending
abbr., Canada British Columbia
abbr., cartogr. Bristol Channel
abbr., chess.term. Before Computers
abbr., commer. Bank of Canada; Bank of China; basic course
abbr., comp., net. broadcast channel
abbr., cust. Baltic Customs (igisheva)
abbr., dentist. cortical bone (MichaelBurov)
abbr., dig.curr. blockchain (ВосьМой)
abbr., dril. bond consistency
abbr., drw. beginning point of curve
abbr., earth.sc. base cation; bathymetric charts; Beryllium Corp.; binding capacities; boron carbon; bottom contour chart; branch canal; broken clouds; bubble-columns; bushveld igneous complex
abbr., ecol. black carbon (Природные пожары, сжигание травы и сельскохозяйственных отходов в Евразии становятся основными источниками BC, который затем оседает в Арктике. ecoindustry.ru mzviniti)
abbr., ed. Book Club
abbr., ed., scient. Boston College
abbr., el. basic control (mode); base-collector (junction); back cover; backlight control; bit commitment; barium crown (glass); backup controller; ballistic computer; basic cell; basic computer; batched communication; beam current; bearer channel; bearer circuit; bearer control; bidirectional current; billing center; binary computer; Bragg cell; branch condition; buffer cycle; bulk channel; buried capacitor cell; buried-channel; buried crescent (laser diode); Burroughs Corp.; bus contention; business computer
abbr., electr.eng. balanced current; bare copper; base connection; break contact; breaking capacity; buffer cell; bus clock
abbr., fin. buyer's credit
abbr., geol., scient. Black Canyon
abbr., humor. Bring Cash ("привози деньги" – British Columbia's nickname due to its high cost of living ART Vancouver)
abbr., inet. Because
abbr., IT binary code; byte computer; bearer capability; Bliss classification; block code
abbr., karate. built-in check
abbr., lab.eq. Base Curve
abbr., law Bankruptcy Court
abbr., libr. bibliographic control
abbr., market. brand commitment (vlad-and-slav)
abbr., med. Bacillus Cereus; Basal Cell; Basket Cell; Bipolar Cell; Blood Count; Blood Culture; Board Certified; Bone Conduction; Brain Contour; Breast Cancer; Bronchial Carcinoma; blood culture (Vosoni); bactericidal concentration; balance of competence; battle casualties; biliary colic; blastic crisis; Blood Center; Blood Council; buccocervical; Bureau of Census; pure culture of bacillus Bulgaricus; vitamin Bc (chicken)
abbr., meteorol. Baccalaureus Chirurgiae
abbr., mil. Body Count; bottom current; battlefield coordination; boom controller
abbr., mil., air.def. broadcast command; bus control
abbr., mol.biol. Bacterial Cellulose (zoologist)
abbr., mount. base camp
abbr., multimed. backward compatible
abbr., oil barrels of condensate; bottom choke; broken cone (andrushin); Building Code; B-circuit; bachelor of commerce; back connected; bar code; base circle; basement complex; basic charge; bathyconductograph; beginning of curve; benzoyl chloride; benzyl cyanide; bills for collection; bit casting; bit cost; blade contour; blind connection; blue calcite; borehole camera; boro-carbon; bottom center; bottom contact; bottom contour; boundary conditions; brightness contrast; British Corporation Register; bubble chamber; buffered counter; bulk compressibility; butylcarbitol
abbr., physiol., med. Birth Control; Birth Control Pills
abbr., pigeon.race. Blue-checker
abbr., polit. Botswana
abbr., polym. bowing curvature; bulk cargo
abbr., post Barcode; British Commonwealth and Foreign Parcel Office (UK, was I&FPP)
abbr., progr., IT Backward Compatibility
abbr., proj.manag. bills for collection
abbr., railw. Belarus Railways
abbr., relig. Baptist Church
abbr., scottish Bobbin Core
abbr., shipb. battle cruiser; bronze castings
abbr., space background; branch on condition
abbr., sport. Base Camp; Billiard Club; Box-Club; Basketball Clu; Bowling Clu
abbr., tech. boundary conditions (bonly); back course
abbr., textile bill for collection
abbr., tradem. Building And Construction
abbr., yacht. Block Coefficient
energ.ind. back corona; basic control (mode)
invest. bank clearing; bill of collection
meteorol. patches
mil. barrel coating; base command; battery charger; battery commander; bayonet cap; biological and chemical; blasting cap; body count; broadcast control; bursting charge
tech. backspace character; backward channel; barrier capacitance; base collector; basic control mode; beam collimator; beginning of cycle; benign contamination; bias current; bipolar cell; bistable circuit; boundary condition; branch chief; brightness control; broadcast band; broadcasting station; buried channel; buried collector; bus connection; bus controller; bypass circuit
BCР abbr.
abbr., bus.styl. business continuity plan (Alex_Odeychuk)
bc abbr.
abbr. bad cheque; between centres (Vosoni); bicycle (tan_chick); birth control; body-centered; broadcast; budgeted cost
nautic. bulk carrier (J_J)
polym. bulk cargo
Bc abbr.
abbr. Committed Burst Size (FR)
: 65 phrases in 30 subjects
Animal husbandry1
Computer networks2
Drug-related slang1
Food industry1
Gold mining1
Household appliances1
Information technology2
Non-governmental organizations1
Oil and gas1
SAP tech.1