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noun | verb | abbreviation | to phrases
bam [bæm] nstresses
gen. розыгрыш; разыгрывать (кого-либо)
amer. бах (Taras); хлоп (Taras); бум (Taras); бац (межд. Taras)
geol. вагонетка-платформа
mil., lingo женщина-военнослужащая морской пехоты (США MichaelBurov)
mining. тележка
scottish идиот (joyand)
sl., drug. амфетамин
slang надувательство; обманывать; надувать; ударять; обман; бить
vernac. грубая шутка; враки; плутовство
bam [bæm] v
gen. плутовать
idiom. вешать лапшу на уши
BAMS abbr.
med. бакалавр аюрведической медицины и хирургии (Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and Surgery, a medical degree in India, conferred to those who have studied the integrated system of modern medicine and traditional ayurveda Tiny Tony)
 English thesaurus
BAM [bæm] abbr.
abbr. Bambara; Beth Ann Morgenthau; Bricks And Mortar; Back At Mac; Bad Ass Mike; Bad Assed Motherfuckers; Balance Anticipation And Momentum; Basic Access Methods; Bass Alignment Module; Benefit Accuracy Measurement; Benefits Activated Marketing; Best Airgun Manufacturer; Best Anime And Manga; Big Ass Movers; Big Ass Mug; Binary Angular Moment; Bituminous Aggregate Mixtures; Block-Availability-Map; Booking Actors And Models; Born Again Modularization; Boyan Action Module; Break Away Mode; Broad Assed Marine; Business Appreciation Month
abbr., auto. Broadcast Announce Message (translator911)
abbr., auto., org.name. German Institute for Materials Research and Testing
abbr., avia. base airlift management; basic aircraft maneuvers; battlefield automation management; binary angular measure
abbr., dat.proc. basic access method
abbr., ed. Body And Mind
abbr., el. bidirectional associative memory; beam-addressed memory; behind administration module; block access method; broadband access multiplexer
abbr., inet. Brick And Mortar
abbr., IT Block Availability Map
abbr., Makarov. Brewster angle microscopy
abbr., meteorol. Bacteriological Analytical Manual (pressure); Basilar Artery Migraine (pressure); Bilateral Augmentation Mammoplasty (pressure); Brachial Artery Mean (pressure); Body And Mind. Centers For Disease Control And Prevention.; basophil-associated mononuclear
abbr., mil. Ballistic Armor Matrix (qwarty); Bab el Mandeb
abbr., mil., avia. ballistic advanced missile
abbr., O&G, sakh. Bayaka Amerskaya Railway
abbr., progr., IT Business Activity Monitoring
abbr., relig. Bible Answer Man
abbr., scottish Bird Avoidance Model
abbr., tech. Bluetooth Adapter Module (translator911)
abbr., tradem. Bay Area Music; Books A Million
mil. base automotive maintenance
tech. broadcasting amplitude modulation; bus arbitration module; byte-addressable memory
bam [bæm] n
jarg. bamboozle
BaM [bæm] abbr.
abbr., med. barium meal
BAMS abbr.
abbr. Bulletin of American Meteorological Society
abbr., astronaut. Broad Area Maritime Surveillance (semfromshire)
abbr., comp., net. Billing and Measurement Server (Cisco uar)
abbr., el. British Air Mail Society
abbr., scient. Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery
: 30 phrases in 10 subjects
American usage, not spelling3
Cliche / convention1
Criminal jargon1
Explanatory translation1