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ASR abbr.stresses
auto. противобуксовая система; противобуксовочная система (Баян)
comp., MS автоматическое восстановление системы; распознавание речи
IT автоматическое распознавание речи
O&G, casp. отчёт по авторскому надзору (Yeldar Azanbayev)
tech. обзорная радиолокационная станция аэропорта
telecom. коэффициент занятия с ответом (t_edelweis)
asr abbr.
arabic послеполуденная молитва (Alex_Odeychuk)
'asr abbr.
rel., islam ал-аср (One of the five ritual prayers observed within Muhammad's lifetime)
relig. аср (предвечерняя молитва у мусульман)
'Asr abbr.
relig. Предвечернее время (103-я сура Священного Корана)
 English thesaurus
ASR abbr.
abbr. Alliance Standardization Requirements; A Stupid Restrictor; Accounting Series Releases; Active Sports Retailers; Adaptive Situation Recognizer; Additional Score Report; Age Standardised Rate (Incidence); airborne search radar (Vosoni); Airborne Sump Retriever; Allegheny Southern Railroad Incorporated; American Safety Razor; Analyte Specific Reagent; Apple Software Restore; Ass Sucking Retards; Assholes And Submarine Rejects; Authorized Sales Representative; Automated Send Receive; Automatic Send and Receive; Automatic Send-Receive; Automatic Server Restart; Automatic Slip Regulation; automatic send/receive set; automatic send-receive (set); Submarine Rescue Ship
abbr., auto. Anti-Slip Regulation (ВВладимир); acceleration slip regulation; antispin regulation; antislip regulation (Andy); acceleration slip skid regulation/anti-slip regulation; anti-slip regulator; automatic stability regulation; anti-spin regulation
abbr., automat. automated storage retrieval; automatic speed regulator (ssn)
abbr., avia. Advanced Seat Reservation (Предварительное бронирование места в салоне воздушного судна zabic); aerodrome surveillance radar; aviation safety regulations; airfield surveillance radar; altimeter setting region; aerodrome surveillance approach radar; air/sea rescue; air-to-sea rescue; aircraft status report; airport airfield surveillance radar; American Society of Rocketry; antisubmarine reconnaissance; armed services regulation; assigned signal recognition; auto-slat retracted; automatic selective reply; automatic automated speech recognition
abbr., BrE Air Staff Requirements
abbr., Canada Assistant for Service Requirements
abbr., chem., scient. Alkali-Silica Reaction
abbr., commer. Acquisition Strategy Report; Alternative Systems Review
abbr., comp., net. automatic speech recognition
abbr., comp., net., IT Automatic Server Recovery
abbr., construct. Accident Safety Record (TatkaS)
abbr., corp.gov. agency service request
abbr., cosmet. ablative skin resurfacing (ННатальЯ)
abbr., dipl. Advanced Supplier Relationship (углубленные взаимоотношения с поставщиками Eleonora6088)
abbr., earth.sc. aggregated subregion
abbr., el. active status register; adapter status register; air-route surveillance radar; air search radar; ALU shift register; ambiguity-to-signal ratio; answer, send and receive; arithmetic shift right; audio speech recognition; automatic sender/receiver; automatic speech retrieval; automatic spreading resistance probe; auxiliary status register; automatic send receive
abbr., electr.eng. Advanced Surge Reduction (translator911)
abbr., file.ext. Address Space Register
abbr., genet. Assay Specific Reagents (vlad-and-slav)
abbr., int. law. Articles on state responsibility for internationally wrongful acts (Maksim Petrov)
abbr., IT Automated System Recovery; Automatic System Recovery; automatic system reconfiguration; area specific resistance (MichaelBurov)
abbr., med. aldosterone secretory rate
abbr., meteorol. analyte specific reagents (BeHealthy)
abbr., mil. Airport Surveillance Radar; Automatic Speech Recognition; Airborne Surveillance Radar; Army Service Request (PX_Ranger); Automatic Send/Receive; automatic send/receive (сигнала); Autonomous Scout Rotocraft (UAV); army status report; air support request
abbr., mil., air.def. air-base surface radar; air support radar
abbr., mil., avia. access service request
abbr., mil., WMD agent surety room; Archival Search Report
abbr., N.Ireland. Active substance Register (susana2267)
abbr., NATO Alliance Standardisation Requirements (Brücke)
abbr., oil alkali-soluble resin; anaerobic sulfate reducer; analysis of strain relaxation; anelastic strain relaxation; automatic send receiver; automatic speed regulation; automatic switching recorder
abbr., pharma. Annual Safety Report (Игорь_2006); analyte specific reagent (Wakeful dormouse)
abbr., scottish Acoustic Self-Ranging system; Adaptive Spectral Reconnaissance; Air Staff Requirement; Approach Surveillance Radar; Automatic Send / Receive; Automatic Surveillance Receiver (USA); Submarine Rescue ship (USA)
abbr., solid.st.phys. anelastic strain recovery (igisheva)
abbr., space address shift register; address switch register; ambiguity to signal ratio; automatic send-receiver
abbr., tech. anti-spin regulator; auto shredder residue (Charikova); Automative Shredder Residue (savina_elena); automobile shredder residue (Charikova)
abbr., telecom. Answer Seizure Ratio (t_edelweis); average success rate (Zithen); answer seizure ratio
abbr., water.res. aquifer storage and retrieval technology
airports Kayseri, Turkey
energ.ind. auxiliary shutdown room
meteorol. altitude setting region
mil. acceptance summary report; advanced salvo rifle; advanced special receiver; advanced surveillance radar; advanced systems requirements; air superiority role; air surveillance radar; air-sea rescue; airport surveillance radar; annual summary report; approved system requirements; area surveillance radar; armed strike reconnaissance; available supply rate; aviation safety regulation; avionics system review
tech. absorbing safety rod; active space repeater; airborne scanning radiometer; analog shift register; atmospheric sound refraction; automatic send-receive set; automatic sonar readout
: 4 phrases in 3 subjects
Artificial intelligence1