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ASAT abbr.stresses
Gruzovik, mil. противоспутниковый (anti-satellite); противоспутниковое оружие (anti-satellite)
med. аспартатаминотрансфераза (MichaelBurov); глутамат оксалоацетат трансаминаза (MichaelBurov); сывороточная аспартатаминотрансфераза (MichaelBurov); АСТ (MichaelBurov); АсАт (MichaelBurov); аспартат-аминотрансфераза (MichaelBurov); СГОТ (MichaelBurov); сывороточная глутамат оксалоацетат трансаминаза (MichaelBurov)
mil. противоспутниковая система; противоспутниковая ракета (сокр. от "anti-satellite missile" Alex_Odeychuk)
qual.cont. Аналитическая наука и технология (Analytical Science and Technology: As part of the QC ASAT (Analytical Science and Technology) team to lead/execute technical projects related to his/her areas of expertise which may include raw materials test methods implementation, method optimization, method qualification, method validation, method suitability, method transfer, QC equipment qualification and other ASAT related projects. com.sg vdengin)
asat abbr.
rel., budd. асат (нереальное)
 English thesaurus
ASAT abbr.
abbr. After Strat After Tele; Advance Satellite Antenna Technology; antisatellite
abbr., astronaut. Anti-Satellite Weapons
abbr., avia. anti satellite weapons system; anti satellite system; automated spar assembly technology; automated spar assembly tool
abbr., el. Advanced Semiconductor Assembly Technology Inc.; anti-satellite capability
abbr., med. American Society Of Alternative Therapists; aspartate amino transferase (MichaelBurov); aspartate transaminase (MichaelBurov); AspAT (MichaelBurov); SGOT (MichaelBurov); AST (MichaelBurov); aspartate aminotransferase (MichaelBurov); AAT (MichaelBurov); serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase (MichaelBurov); ACT (MichaelBurov)
abbr., mil. Automated Systems Approach to Training; antisatellite weapon
abbr., mil., avia. advanced subsonic aerial target
abbr., oil American standard acoustical terminology
abbr., scottish Arbeitsgemeinschaft Satellitentragersystem; Anti-Satellite (weapon or system)
abbr., space anti-satellite weapon
abbr., transp. All Season All Terrain
abbr., UN Anti-Satellite
avia., abbr. Advanced Situational Trainer
energ.ind. alternative systematic approaches to training
mil., abbr. air search attack team; Antisatellite Treaty
tech., abbr. anti-satellite system; auxiliary storage allocation table
ASAT: 36 phrases in 5 subjects