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AIRMET abbr.stresses
avia. метеосводка для пилотов (MichaelBurov); информация о фактическом или ожидаемом возникновении определённых условий погоды по маршруту / району полёта
 English thesaurus
AIRMET abbr.
abbr., meteorol. Airmen's Meteorological Information (MichaelBurov); Airman's Meteorological Information (MichaelBurov); weather advisory service
abbr., transp. Airman's Meteorological Information
avia., amer. In-flight weather advisories issued only to amend the area forecast concerning weather phenomena which are of operational interest to all aircraft and potentially hazardous to aircraft having limited capability because of lack of equipment, instrumentation, or pilot qualifications. AIRMETs concern weather of less severity than that covered by SIGMETs or convective SIGMETs. AIRMETs cover moderate icing, moderate turbulence, sustained winds of 30 kt or more at the surface, widespread areas of ceilings less than 1000 ft and/or visibility less than 3 mi., and extensive mountain obscurément.
meteorol. multi-purpose regional forecast for aviation
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