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AEI abbr.stresses
fr. Ассоциация международных школ (сокр.) Association des Écoles Internationales = The International Schools Association Углов)
Gruzovik, abbr. Инвестиционная компания Арабских Эмиратов (ИКАЭ; Arab Emirates Investment Company)
ital. наименование итальянской компании воздушных сообщений (сокр.) Aero Espresso Italiano = Italian Airways Corporation Углов); Итальянская электротехническая ассоциация (сокр.) Associazione Elettrotecnica Italiana = Italian Electrotechnical Association Углов)
 English thesaurus
AEI abbr.
abbr. Average Earnings Index; Aerial Exposure Index; Application Enabling Interface (IBM); Associated Electrical Industries; Atomic Energy Institute; Automatic Equipment Identification; Automatic Error Interrogation; African Explosive and Chemical Industries, Ltd.; Associated Electrical Industries, Ltd.; Australian Electrical Industries, Ltd.
abbr., adv. American Enterprise Institute (Nailya)
abbr., auto. after end of injection
abbr., avia. additional estimating information; aircraft engineers international; Americans for Energy Independence
abbr., commer. American Express International
abbr., commun. Automatic Equipment Identification system; ancillary equipment interface
abbr., comp.name. American Electronics, Incorporated; Ashland Exploration, Inc.
abbr., earth.sc. Air-Earth interface
abbr., econ. Arab Emirates Investment Company (Инвестиционная компания Арабских Эмиратов, ИКАЭ; сокр. Углов)
abbr., el. acoustoelectric interaction; after-etching inspection; automated equipment interfacing; Automatic Electric International Inc.; avalanche electron injection
abbr., health. adverse events of interest (CRINKUM-CRANKUM)
abbr., IT Application Entity Invocation
abbr., mil. Armament Enhancement Initiative
abbr., nautic. azimuth error indicator (указатель азимутальной ошибки; сокр. Углов)
abbr., oil Arab Energy Institute; area of exploratory interest
abbr., progr. automatic equipment identification (ssn)
abbr., radio aerial exposure index (показатель облучения антенны; сокр. Углов)
abbr., scottish Armaments Enhancement Initiative (US Army); Assembly Engineering Instruction
abbr., tech. Association of Electrical Industries (Vosoni); Automation, Electrical, Instrumentation (Ася Кудрявцева)
abbr., tradem. Addington Enterprises Inc; Air Express International
energ.ind. Associazione elettrotecnica italiana um.
mil. aerospace education instructor; annual efficiency index; average efficiency index
tech., abbr. azimuth error indicator
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