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ACN abbr.stresses
gen. номер зарегистрированной в Австралии компании (Australian Company Number  VictorMashkovtsev)
chem. ацетонитрил (acetonitrile gavsyatina)
Gruzovik, mil. Командующий объединёнными ВВС НАТО в Норвегии (Air Commander, Norway)
law Австралийский идентификационный код компании (Australian Company Number mrishka5)
tech. нейтраль напряжения питания
 English thesaurus
ACN abbr.
abbr. Affiliates Contribution Network; Australian Company Notes; Australian Company Number; Air Commander, Norway; American Council on North Atlantic Treaty Organization (Американский совет сторонников НАТО Углов); Asbestos Cloth Neck
abbr., avia. aircraft classification number (классификационный номер летательного аппарата {ИКАО}; сокр. Углов); aircraft classification number; aircraft number; approval and clearance notice
abbr., bank. audit control number
abbr., chem. acetonitrile (ацетонитрил gavsyatina); aminocapronitrile
abbr., comp., net., IT Advanced Control Network; Another Cult Network
abbr., el. adjacent channel noise; advanced communications network; air communications network; air communications node; American cable network; ARPA computer network
abbr., el., scient. Accelerator Controls Node
abbr., lat. Ante Christum Natum ("before the birth of Christ")
abbr., med. Acute Conditioned Neurosis; Ambulatory Care Network; American College Of Neuropsychiatrists; American College Of Nutrition; Association For Comprehensive NeuroTherapy; Association Of Camp Nurses; Australian Cancer Network; Associated And Comprehensive Neurotherapy; acute conditioned necrosis; air conduction in the presence of bone conduction noise
abbr., media. Adventist Channel Network
abbr., mil. assign commercial network
abbr., mil., avia. activity control number
abbr., mil., BrE air consignment note
abbr., neurol. Association for Comprehensive Neurotherapy; Auditory Cognitive Neuroscience
abbr., nurs. Australian College of Nursing
abbr., oil alkane carbon number
abbr., polym. acrylonitrile
abbr., qual.cont. advance change notice
abbr., relig. Alt Christnet Nudism
abbr., scottish Airborne Communications Node
abbr., space airborne communication node; Air Communication Network; automatic celestial navigation
abbr., st.exch. Acuson Corporation
abbr., tech. Air Conditioning (Taras)
mil. all concerned notified; assignment control number; authorized code number
tech. acenaphthylene; advanced change notice; indole-3-acetonitrile
acn abbr.
abbr. automatic celestial navigation (автоматическая астронавигация Углов)
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