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ABCD abbr.stresses
gen. усовершенствованный язык описания схем; язык ABCD
comp. усовершенствованное описание схем (язык программирования ZolVas)
mil. противоатомная, противобактериологическая и противохимическая защита (atomic, bacteriological and chemical defense Voledemar)
O&G, oilfield. всегда чистый и сухой (always clean and dry; критерий требования к системам уплотнительного газа Aiman Sagatova)
pharm. КДАБ (коллоидная дисперсия амфотерицина Б estherik); КДА-B (коллоидная дисперсия амфотерицина B estherik)
 English thesaurus
ABCD abbr.
abbr. Achieving Better Community Development; Actuarial Board for Counseling and Discipline; American Born Confused Desi; Asset Based Community Development; A Better Circuit Description Language (Vosoni); Above And Beyond The Call Of Duty; Associated Baby Carriage Dealers (Объединённые предприятия по сбыту детских колясок (США) Углов); atomic, bacteriological and chemical defence; Atomic, Biological and Chemical Protection and Damage Control
abbr., auto. airbag collapsible dash
abbr., avia. Airbus collective data dictionary
abbr., bot., scient. Access to Biological Collections Data
abbr., earth.sc. abbot biological and chemical data; automatic baseline drift correction
abbr., ed. Academic Betterment And Career Development; Ask Brainstorm Choose And Do
abbr., IT Analysis Of Building Climatic Data; a better circuit description (language)
abbr., math., scient. Asymmetry Border Colour And Differentiated
abbr., med. Airway, Breathing, Circulation, Differential Diagnosis or Defibrillate - In Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation; Airway, Breathing, Circulation, Differential Diagnosis (in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation; or Defibrillate); Amphotericin B Colloidal Dispersion; Appropriate Blood Pressure Control In Diabetes (biopsy In Melanoma); Asymmetry, Borders Are Irregular, Color Variegated, Diameter > 6 Mm (biopsy In Melanoma); Association Of Biomedical Communications Directors; Asymmetry, Borders Irregular, Color Variegated, Diameter > 6 Mm (assessment Of Melanoma); European Advisory Board On Cat Diseases; airway, breath, circulation, drugs
abbr., media. Art Books Comics And Disney; Audience Behavior Conditions And Degree
abbr., mil. Above and Beyond the Call of Duty; atomic, bacteriological and chemical defense
abbr., mus. Association Of British Choral Directors
abbr., oncol., med. After Breast Cancer Diagnosis; Asymmetry, Border, Color, and Diameter
abbr., pharm. adriamycin, bleomycin, CCNU and dacarbazine
abbr., physiol., med. Access To Baby And Child Dentistry
abbr., tech. Asphalt Binder Cracking Device (I. Havkin)
abbr., UN Another Bad China Day
mil. active commission base date; advanced base construction depot; atomic, biological and chemical defense; automated biological and chemical data; awaiting bad conduct discharge
mil., abbr. active commission base date; advanced base construction depot; atomic, biological and chemical defense; automated biological and chemical data; awaiting bad conduct discharge
tech. automated biological and chemical data system
: 4 phrases in 4 subjects
Information technology1