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оp nstresses
media. выход; выходной сигнал; выходная мощность; выходные зажимы; выходные концы; вывод; выводы; производительность; мощность; отдача; выработка; выпуск (изделий); устройство вывода данных (на экран); переданная или записанная программа; ток напряжение, мощность и т.п., выдаваемый схемой или устройством; результат вычисления; обобщённое название данных, выводимых на экран
P [pi:] n
gen. шестнадцатая буква английской азбуки
conv.notation. нормальная масса тела в формуле Брока Р плотность воздуха; идеальная масса тела в формуле Брока Р плотность воздуха; частота "нормального" гена; нормальный аллель
el. пета ... (250)
p [pi:] n
gen. 16-я буква английского алфавита
conv.notation. нормальные гомозиготы
O&G, sakh. пуаз (единица измерения абсолютной вязкости)
ps abbr.
construct. преднапряжение
relig. псл
tech. пс (пикосекунда deev4onka)
PS abbr.
gen. постскриптум; текст, который дописывают в письме после подписи
bank. привилегированная акция (preferred stock)
busin. прошу разослать (smovas); прошу переслать (smovas)
cables влияние перекрёстных помех от всех пар на исследуемую пару (MichaelBurov); суммарные наводки (MichaelBurov)
cardiol. стент Palmaz-Schatz (Ying)
comp., net. выделенный сервер (сокр. от "private server" Alex_Odeychuk); узел коммутации пакетов; коммутатор пакетов; персональная система
construct. Provisional Sum Ориентировочная Стоимость (в коммерческих предложениях digga)
dril. двигательная секция (Alexander Dolgopolsky); силовая секция (Alexander Dolgopolsky); секция рабочих органов (винтового забойного двигателя, power section Alexander Dolgopolsky); рабочая пара (Alexander Dolgopolsky)
el. питание; электропитание; подвод электрической энергии; источник питания; источник электропитания; блок питания; блок электропитания
geol. плейстоцен (MichaelBurov); плейстоценская эра (MichaelBurov); плейстоценовая эра (MichaelBurov); плейстоценовое время (MichaelBurov); плейстоценский период (MichaelBurov); плейстоценский возраст (MichaelBurov); плейстоценское время (MichaelBurov); плейстоценский (MichaelBurov); плейстоценовый период (MichaelBurov); плейстоценовый возраст (MichaelBurov); плейстоценовый (MichaelBurov)
Gruzovik, electric. питание (power supply)
Gruzovik, polit. общественная безопасность (public safety)
Gruzovik, scient. энергоснабжение (power supply)
Gruzovik, tech. источник питания (power supply)
gynecol. гинекологическим зеркалом (осмотр; per speculum Баян)
immunol. доля клеток с окрашенными ядрами (proportion score) при иммуногистохимическом анализе биопсийного материала Ying)
IT, inf. расширение файлов в формате PostScript Interpreted
Makarov. планарный полосковый (planar stripe; о лазере)
math. вероятность успешного исхода (probability of success); доля успешных исходов (proportion of successes); статистически значимый (probably significant)
med. performance status-общее состояние больного (Niedre); сыворотка плазмы (SvetPo); стеноз лёгочного ствола (pulmonary stenosis Ying); лонное сочленение (pubic symphysis warsheep)
mil. электропитание (Power Supply WiseSnake); Пи-Эс (хлорпикрин)
mil., WMD К-соль МФК
nautic. portside, левый борт (Shumway)
O&G НПС (MichaelBurov); нефтеперекачивающая станция (MichaelBurov)
oil производственный стандарт (production standard); промышленный стандарт (production standard); проектная спецификация (project specification Seregaboss)
perf. полистирол
pharm. ФС (MichaelBurov); фосфатидилсерин (MichaelBurov)
phys. протонный синхротрон (MichaelBurov)
polygr. предварительно очувствлённая формная пластина (kumold)
progr. программный поток данных (сокр. от program stream ssn)
surg. пластическая операция (plastic surgery Ying)
tech. лошадиная сила (PferdeStark, по-немецки, система DIN lingvo.ru Hlaford); л.с. (часто в английских текстах пишут немецкий вариант HP taboon)
Ps abbr.
quant.mech. позитроний (– связанная квантовомеханическая система, состоящая из электрона и позитрона MichaelBurov)
Ps. abbr.
relig. пс.
 English thesaurus
ps abbr.
gen. project supervisor (Johnny Bravo)
abbr. penal servitude; piece; plastic surgery; pseudo; pseudonym
abbr., astr. parsec
abbr., earth.sc. particle size
abbr., oil picosiemens
abbr., tech. planed and square-jointed
Gruzovik, abbr. psec
O&G shut-in pressure; support pressure to resist collapse
opt. picosecond
polym. per sample; per second; pieces
ps. abbr.
abbr., commer. pieces
abbr., libr. pseudonym
.ps abbr.
file.ext. PostScript (file name extension)
PS abbr.
abbr. Pakistan Standards; chloropicrin; port support (Andrey250780); personal station; protection switching; Painfully Sarcastic; Paint Shop; Paleontological Society; Paradoxical Sleep; Parallel Sessions; parallel-to-serial; Parent Shelf; Pashto; Passenger Service; passenger steamer; passing scuttle; Path Separator; Pauline Shirley; Peach State; Penicillin Susceptible; Penis Sucker; Penis Suckers; Per Spring; Performance Space; Performance Spectrum; Performance Supplement; Personnel Services; Phantasy Star; Pharmaceutical Society; Phasing System; Philosophers Stone; Photographic Service; Phy Science; Physical Status; Physical Strength; Physically Sequential; Pico Seconds; Piece of Shit; Piercing Slashing; Pirate School; Planetary And Solar; Pluralistic School; plus; point of switch; Polar Stereographic; Pole Smoker; Police Sergeant; Policy Support; Polite Society; Political Skills; Popcorn Shrimp; port and starboard; Positively Superior; Post Scrip; Post Script; Post Scriptum; Post Silly; PostScript; PostScriptum; Power Save; Power Solution; Power Solutions; Power Supply; power supply (comb form); power surplus; Practice Sheet; Pre School; Pre Set; Present Symptoms; Pressure Switches; Primary School; Principal Secretary (в Индии. Напр.: The Principal Secretary to Minister Leonid Dzhepko); Print Server; Priority Seating; Private Secretary; Privilege Service (DCE); Privy Seal; Problem Sheet; process specification (number); Process Status; Processing Segmext; Processing Station; Production Sample; Professional Services; Program Start; Program Stream; Progressive Scan; project schedules (eternalduck); proof shot (projectile); Proposed Standard; Pubes Shaved; Pubic School; Public School; Public Service; pull switch; Pulse Shape; Pulse Shaping; Purchase Sale; Pushto; PicoSecond; Power Steering; part surface; Philosophical Society; pilot report (summary); plus (degrees); polarized sounder; proof strength; pseudonymous; pulsating surface; pusher side; pre-superheater; CERN 28-MeV Proton Synchrotron (CERN, Geneva); partial response
abbr., adv. parallel single
abbr., agric. seed coated with a pesticide
abbr., anim.husb. phosphotidyl serine; physiologic saline
abbr., auto. power steering; password set; Pferdestarke; pneumatic suspension; power assisted steering; power seat; power steering oil pressure; position sensor
abbr., avia. part standards; performance standards; pico second; position shift; process specification (no number); process standard; procurement specifications; product software; product structure; product support; production schedules; program schedule; provincial standard; proximity switch; passenger (aircraft); paint sealing; part specification; part stores; parts shortage; patent specification; payload support; performance specification; philips screws; photoshop; picture sheet; pilot-static (system); planning suffix; polar station; pressure test; primary structure; primary surface; process sheet; process solution; production schedule; product specification; production specification; program specification; project sketch; project slip; publication standard; purchase standard; Ukraine International Airlines
abbr., biol. photosystem
abbr., BrE passed school; personal services
abbr., busin. Please Send (письма, документы, копии и т.д.; to smovas); periods per second; per ship; point of shipment; port surcharge; postal station; productive sharing; profit sharing; Public Services
abbr., cables Power Sum (MichaelBurov)
abbr., cardiol. стент Palmaz-Schatz (Ying)
abbr., cartogr. polar stereographic (projection); police station
abbr., clin.trial. CORE Protocol Specialist (MichaelBurov); Protocol Specialist (MichaelBurov)
abbr., commer. profit-sales
abbr., commun. phase-angle controlled; power train; Peripheral Shelf (A7xxx family); Partial Supervision mode
abbr., comp. process storage
abbr., comp., net. packet switch; personal system
abbr., comp.games. PlayStation (ВосьМой)
abbr., earth.sc. horse-power; Pakistan Standard; Paleontological Society of America; peat soil; pebbly sandstone; peralkaline syenite; percentage similarity; percent stripped; Philippine Sea; piezometric surface; pistacite; planktonic studies; point sources; pollution source; polysilicic acid; polystyrenes; polysulfone; power spectrum; pressure sensor; primary sludge; probability score; pseudosecondary; pumping station; pyrite sulphur; pyroxene skarn; pyrrhotite skarn; standpipe pressure
abbr., econ. productive stationarity
abbr., el. packet sequencing; packet server; packet switcher; parallel scan; patching system; path status; pattern symmetry; perfect shuffle; period of satellite; peak search; peak shift; permanent signal; phase separation spectroscopy; phase sensor; phase-synchronization effect; photoconductive switch; photonic switching; photosensor; phototelegraph station; physical sequential; physical signaling sublayer; picture system; planar stripe (laser); polarity selector; polarization spectroscopy; polarization splitter; polarization state; policy service; polyimide siloxane (film); portable station; port store; port switching; potentiostatic (electrolysis); power sink; power stream; preferential sputtering; preferred server; pre-selector; preset; pressure-sensitive; primary send; primary server; primary storage; primary switch; printer sharer; priority of SPI; privilege server; processing state; processor subsystem; product safety; product sales; programmed symbols; program source; propagation sequence; protect status; protocol stack; public segment; pure silica; portable side
abbr., elect. election precinct (MichaelBurov); election ward (MichaelBurov); electoral precinct (MichaelBurov); electoral ward (MichaelBurov); polling station (MichaelBurov)
abbr., file.ext. Adobe Postscript document (text/graphics); Document in PostScript format (Adobe Vosoni); Problem Specification; Program Stores; Proportional Spacing
abbr., geol. Ple (MichaelBurov); Pleistocene (MichaelBurov); Pleistocene age (MichaelBurov); Pleistocene Period (MichaelBurov); Pleistocene sequence (MichaelBurov); Pleistocene Stage (MichaelBurov); Pleistocene strata (MichaelBurov); Pleistocene Sub-Era (MichaelBurov); Pleistocene Sub-Period (MichaelBurov); Pleistocene Subera (MichaelBurov); Pleistocene Subperiod (MichaelBurov); Pleistocene time (MichaelBurov); the Pleistocene (MichaelBurov); Pleistocenian (MichaelBurov); pressure solution; pressure solution (рекристаллизационная ползучесть Зубцов)
abbr., GOST. pressure support (harser)
abbr., gynecol. per speculum (Обычно так и пишется: осмотр PS ( http://www.multitran.ru/c/m.exe?a=4&MessNum=259141&l1=1&l2=3) Horacio_O)
abbr., hi-fi Program Service
abbr., horticult. protein solubility (Rada0414)
abbr., IT packet switching; privileged state; pulse shaper; presentation services
abbr., karate. pressure static
abbr., math. pseudoscalar
abbr., med. Pacemaker Syndrome; Parkinson Syndrome; Periodic Syndrome; Pyloric Stenosis; pulmonary stenosis (Chita); performance status; pap smear (Ying); paraffin section (Ying); parasympathetic (Ying); partial seizure (Ying); passive smoking (Ying); paired electric stimulation; paper speed; pathomorphological; patient serum; physicians and surgeons; pigeon serum; serum from a pregnant woman; PtdSer
abbr., med.appl. posterior-stabilized (igisheva)
abbr., mil. power section; product standards; parallel track single-unit; processing subsystem; percussion shrapnel; pick-up site
abbr., mil., avia. packing sheet
abbr., mil., WMD chloropicrin (trichloronitromethane); chloropicrin, agent; potassium salt of methyl-phosphonic acid; propulsion system; trichloronitromethane
abbr., O&G NPS (MichaelBurov); oil pump station (MichaelBurov); oil transfer pumping station
abbr., O&G, sahk.s. protective services; pump station
abbr., O&G, sakh. piping supervisor (pipa1984); Project Specification; Project specifications
abbr., oil plough steel; potentiometric surface; pressure switch; packer setting; packer style; packstone; Palestine; parallel section; parasequence; patent system; pebbly sand (stone); perforating superdome; perforating superselect; petroleum sulfonate; petroleum system; phase-shift; phosphate surfactant; phyllites and schists; Physical Society; pipe size; pipe support (drawing); pitfalls in seismic interpretation; plane bedding; plow steel; point of symmetry; point selecting; progressive-saturation; polysaccharide; polystyrenes; potentiometric surface elevation; power swivel; powered shallow laterolog; prespring; pressure steam; prism spectrometer; process specifications; process steam; production sharing; product service; products standard; programming system; pseudo spectral; Pseudoschwagerina; pseudoslugs; public sale; pulses per second; pump strokes; South Pole
abbr., orthop. posterior stabilised (Rada0414)
abbr., pharm. phosphatidyl serine (MichaelBurov); phosphatidylserine (MichaelBurov); Ptd-L-Ser (MichaelBurov)
abbr., pharma. Performance Status (Игорь_2006)
abbr., physiol. population spike (Игорь_2006); Psychotropic Substances
abbr., polit. Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands (Palau)
abbr., polygr. Presensitized Plate (kumold)
abbr., polym. partially soluble; permanent set; polystyrene; polysulfide; pressure sensitive; proof stress
abbr., post Postal Service schedule
abbr., press. press speed (igisheva)
abbr., progr. program stream (ssn)
abbr., qual.cont. probability of success; probability of success production standard
abbr., scottish Probability of mission Success; Protective Security
abbr., semicond. photoemission spectroscopy
abbr., space Pacific satellite; paragon steel; peel strength; phase shifter; phase splitter; photoelectric seismometer; photoelectric spectrophotometer; power switch; product standard; program selector
abbr., sport. penalty shot; penalty stroke; paradoxical sleep
abbr., surg. post-surgical (igisheva); postsurgical (igisheva)
abbr., tech. Proximity sensor (olias); propeller shaft survey; power slide; prestress
abbr., telecom. packet switched; portable set
abbr., water.suppl. Point Source Pollution
comp. processor sharing
ecol. plankton studies
el. Porous silicon
energ.ind. particulate scrubber; passive safety; passive system; personnel security; pipe support; pipeline support; plant status; pneumatic system; power start-up; power steps; precursor studies; pressure suppression; pressurizer spray; primary system; process system; project statement; pump seal
invest. preferred stock
meteorol. pilot report summary; planetary surface; position
mil. procurement specification; packing sheet; parachute subsystem; parade state; patrol ship; payload shroud; paymaster sergeant; performance standard; permanent staff; personal skills; personal survival; personnel strength; personnel subsystem; petrol station; photographic squadron; physical security; picket ship; pilot simulator; pioneer school; pistol sharpshooter; planning and scheduling; planning study; plotting system; port security; power source; power station; power system; preliminary study; prior service; probability of survival; problem statement; professional staffing; program summary; proof shoot; propellant supply; propellant system; provost sergeant; public safety; pulse search; pulse sensor
oil, abbr. Pacific specification; P-to-S wave conversion
railw. sleeping car
tech. packet switching equipment; particle settling; payload specialist; planar stripe; policy statement; polysilicon; potential supplier; power-save input; power-save output; pressurizer surge; prevention system; primary sight; primary station; production standard; program sharing; program sponsor; proton synchrotron; pulse stretcher
TV phase shift
Ps abbr.
abbr. static pressure; Permanent snowfields; Psalm; prescription
abbr., med. Pseudomonas
abbr., oil pelitic schist; spontaneous polarization; suction pressure
lat. Psalms
tech. positronium
Ps. abbr.
abbr. surface polarization
abbr., chem. solubility exponent
abbr., phys. spontaneous polarization
lat. Psalmus ("psalm")
PS. abbr.
abbr. post-script
abbr., earth.sc. pseudo
abbr., econ. postscript
PSPV abbr.
abbr. pseudoscalar meson theory with pseudovector coupling
PSPS abbr.
abbr. pseudoscalar meson theory with pseudoscalar coupling
.PS abbr.
IT application/postscript
: 329 phrases in 78 subjects
Aluminium industry1
American usage, not spelling1
Antennas and waveguides4
Cables and cable production19
Computer networks1
Conventional notation1
Energy industry2
Food industry1
Foreign affairs1
High energy physics5
Hydraulic engineering2
Information technology2
Mass media5
Meat processing1
Medical appliances4
Modern use1
Name of organization1
Nuclear physics4
Occupational health & safety1
Oil / petroleum2
Pharmacy and pharmacology1
Quantum electronics5
SAP tech.1
Stock Exchange1
Weapons of mass destruction2
Радиоактивное излучение10