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verb | verb | to phrases
пробежаться vstresses
gen. go for a run; go for a trot; take a run; jog (4uzhoj); tumble something over (глазами; по книге, статье и т.п. A.Rezvov); run through (suburbian); run about (with no)
Gruzovik run; take a run
fig. rattle through (в смысле, быстро проговорить, коротко осветить и т. п. Vadim Rouminsky)
fig., inf. run over (describe briefly; to summarize or recapitulate: Before we start the project, let's just run over who is doing what. 4uzhoj)
Gruzovik, inf. run one's fingers over
inf. run fingers over; run through (быстро просмотреть, прочитать, бегло обсудить какие-либо вопросы: First off, let's run through what you guys have to do when you get back. lexicographer); take a quick look (at 4uzhoj)
sport. race about (fukuro); interfere (между игроком, ведущим мяч, и тем, кто может принять передачу)
пробежать v
gen. overlook (глазами); race over; run down; run past; pass over; sweep over; glance over; pass running; slip by (о времени); run through (глазами q3mi4); foot it; run (by, past); travel; traverse; ripple (о звуке); cover (a certain distance); run about (for a certain length of time); run through (suburbian)
Gruzovik travel (pf of пробега́ть); traverse (pf of пробега́ть); cover a certain distance (pf of пробега́ть)
fig. flit (across, down, over); run (up and down)
fig., inf. glance at
Gruzovik, fig. run up and down (pf of пробега́ть); flit across/down/over (pf of пробега́ть); glance at (pf of пробега́ть)
inf. cut over (какое-либо пространство); skim (бегло пробегать глазами, просматривать); skim over (бегло пробегать глазами, просматривать); skim through (бегло пробегать глазами, просматривать); skip through (бегло пробегать глазами, просматривать); disappear (for a while); let slip (because of running about); miss
Makarov., inf. fly by (о времени)
math. pass by; run; range over; pass; pass through
mech., math. go through (бегло пробегать глазами; просматривать); go from ... to; run from ... to; run over; go through (бегло пробегать глазами; просматривать)
sport. pass (running); run (by/past); run through; scan; run along
telecom. scan
: 197 phrases in 11 subjects