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приказать долго житьstresses
gen. depart this life (Anglophile)
Игорь Миг snuff out; be on one's last legs; wheeze one's last
euph. be pushing up daisies (Баян); be pushing up the daisies (Баян)
Gruzovik, inf. die; pass away
idiom. kick the bucket (Alex Lilo); cease to exist (Alex Lilo); shuffle off this mortal coil (Alex Lilo); go dead (Alex Lilo); bite the dust (в т. ч. о вещах (т. е. окончательно прийти в негодность): I ordered these for my daughter about 2 months ago because her favorite pair of green stretch pants bit the dust. • My old PC bit the dust for good. • My old backpack finally bit the dust the other day. VLZ_58)
inf. depart this world
Makarov. pass on; pass upon
O&G, tengiz. buy a farm (Tanyabomba)
proverb hand in one's checks
slang cash in chips (Yeldar Azanbayev)
приказать долго жить
: 3 phrases in 3 subjects