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verb | verb | to phrases
пошевеливаться vstresses
gen. be up-and-doing; get cracking; stir stumps; get a wiggle on; shake ears; get a move on; get a wriggle on (Artjaazz); be up-and-doing; shake a leg (Taras)
Игорь Миг scramble
austral., slang make it snappy
Gruzovik, inf. stir from time to time; move from time to time; budge from time to time
idiom. get on the ball (We better get on the ball – Надо действовать проворнее Taras)
inf. budge from time to time; stir one's stumps; move; stir; get weaving (VLZ_58)
inf., amer. hustle
inf., brit. get one's skates on (Timmy, get your skates on, or we'll be late to the party!); put one's skates on (If these guys don't put their skates on, we'll be here moving boxes all day.)
low hurry up one's ass (Tell him to hurry his ass up. We don't have all day. • He heard Chad down the hall telling Duane to hurry up his ass. 4uzhoj)
Makarov. bear a bob; shift a bob
slang get a wiggle move; hustle; hump on
пошевеливайся! v
gen. get a move on! (Get a move on or we'll miss our flight.); get on the ball!; get a bend on you!; look alive; look lively!; look spry!; buck up! (mascot); buzz; bestir yourself!; make haste! (Andrey Truhachev); come alive!; hurry up! (Andrey Truhachev); shake a leg! (something that you say in order to tell people to hurry up: Come on, shake a leg! The film starts in 20 minutes Taras); make it snappy! (Bartek2001); get going
inf. Shift yourself! (Andrey Truhachev); come on!; get the lead out (Shortened form of "get the lead out of one's shoes" (or one's pants). He could lead if he would get the lead out. VLZ_58); chop-chop! (Andrey Truhachev)
Makarov. get the lead out of your pants!
rude get your ass in gear! (4uzhoj); get the lead out of your ass! (MichaelBurov); get the lead out of your pants! (MichaelBurov)
slang giddy up! (Interex); get a wiggle on! (Yeldar Azanbayev)
пошевеливать v
Gruzovik, inf. hurry; rush; stir slightly; move slightly; stir from time to time; move from time to time
inf. hurry; move slightly or from time to time; rush; stir
пошевеливайся v
gen. Move it! (наиболее распространенное из тут перечисленных :) Рина Грант); Get on with it! (как побуждение к конкретному действию Рина Грант)
inf. get a shift on! (Disturbia); Move your ass! (VLZ_58); Get your rear in gear! (VLZ_58)
пошевеливайтесь! v
gen. sharp's the word!; shake a leg! (Come on you two, shake a leg! We have to get to the station before 6 Taras)
inf. look snappy! (Andrey Truhachev)
mil., lingo dedigitate (CRINKUM-CRANKUM)
пошевеливай! v
gen. hurry up!
Gruzovik, excl. hurry up!
Пошевеливайся v
inf. Snap it up (ART Vancouver)
Пошевеливайся! v
mil., lingo Yalla (GI adaptation of Arabic word for hurry up or run Beforeyouaccuseme)
: 11 phrases in 4 subjects
Humorous / Jocular4