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Zen [zen] n
gen. 佛教的禅宗信徒; 禅定; 拟海鲂属
 English thesaurus
zen [zen] n
fig., inf. an approach to an activity, skill, or subject that emphasizes simplicity and intuition rather than conventional thinking or fixation on goals (the zen of cooking • the zen of passing the bar exam • the zen of C++ wiktionary.org)
rel., budd. a denomination of Buddhism (also a profound meditation within that denomination of Buddhism; Usage notes: Often capitalized, similar to a proper noun, when talking about the denomination proper (compare Catholicism), rather than the philosophy or calm: “That’s very zen.” versus “She studies Zen Buddhism.”)
Zen [zen] abbr.
abbr., oil zone
zen form.
inf. relaxed and not worrying about things that you cannot change (Don't worry about doing the right thing with your baby - be more zen about it and you'll be happier cambridge.org Shabe)
zen. abbr.
abbr. zenith
ZEN [zen] abbr.
abbr. Zero Effort Network; Zero Effort Networking; Zero Engine Noise; Zip Easy Now
abbr., biochem. zearalenone (igisheva)
abbr., oil zero energy waste
zen: 1 phrase in 1 subject