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 English thesaurus
wea. abbr.
abbr. weapon; weather
wea abbr.
abbr. weapon; weather
WEA abbr.
abbr. The Warner Elektra Asylum; Washburn Endowment Association; Watching Evaluating And Acting; Wilderness Education Association; Wordwide Expat Association; Work Experience Award; World Evangelical Association; World Energy Assessment; Williams Advanced Engineering (английская компания Vicomte)
abbr., avia. Wichita engineering association
abbr., earth.sc. water in equilibrium with the atmosphere
abbr., ed. Washington Education Association; Workers' Educational Association; Wyoming Education Association
abbr., ed., scient. Work Experience Abroad
abbr., el. wall effect amplifier
abbr., energ.ind. Western Energy Alliance (Северная Америка Mozgovlom)
abbr., file.ext. Web Enabled Application
abbr., lab.law. Working Environment Act (Dalilah)
abbr., mil. World Espionage Agency
abbr., relig. World Evangelical Alliance
abbr., st.exch. Westfield America, Inc.
abbr., tradem. Warner Electra Atlantic; Warner Elektra Atlantic; Warner/ Elektra/ Atlantic Corporation; Wine Export Association
wea: 1 phrase in 1 subject
Oil / petroleum1