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twelve principles of efficiency
commer. 美国埃默森效率+二原则 (管理人员有明确目标 (managerial personnel having definite targets), 有丰富常识 (having rich common knowledge), 提供优质咨询 (offering first-rate advisory services), 有严格纪律 (observing strict disciplines), 经营交易公平 (doing business fairly), 作业有可靠及时记录 (having reliable and timely job records), 按计划安排工作(scheduling organization of the work), 作业标准化 (carrying out job standardization), 有日历进度表 (having calendar progress schedules), 保持工作环境良好 (keeping a good working environment), 使用书面工作任务单 (using written work sheets), 实行效率奖励 (implementing the efficiency premium system))
manag. 效率十二原则