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triage ['triːɑːʒ, tri:'ɑ:ʒ] n
gen. 治疗类选法根据紧迫性和救活的可能性决定病人先后治疗顺序的方法; 分类; 咖啡豆碎粒; 筛余
anim.husb. 产品分级; 筛下料; 筛出物
avia. 伤员分类; 紧急调查伤亡情况
nurs. 分诊
plast. 筛余料
surg. 伤员检别分类
tech. 筛余
 English thesaurus
triage ['triːɑːʒ, tri:'ɑ:ʒ] n
mil., logist. In battlefield maintenance, the evaluation and classification of equipment by a maintenance unit for further action. (FRA); The evaluation and classification of wounded for purposes of treatment and evacuation. It consists of the immediate sorting of patients according to type and seriousness of injury and likehood of survival, and the establishment of priority for treatment and evacuation to assure medical care of the greatest benefit to the largest number. In battlefield maintenance, the evaluation and classification of equipment by a maintenance unit for further action. (UKR/NATO); The evaluation and classification of equipment by a maintenance unit for further action repair, evacuation, destruction, technical neutralization.. (FRA)
TRIAGE [tri:'ɑ:ʒ] abbr.
abbr., tech. TRIAGE (proceso de clasificación de los sobrevivientes y la asignación de prioridades para la atención médica, tratamiento y evacuación); the setting and assignment of priorities for attendance, care, treatment and transportation of multiple survivors
: 5 phrases in 3 subjects
United Nations2