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sy [-si,-zi] abbr.
abbr. security; supply; survey
sy. abbr.
abbr., sport. sloppy a.
SY [-si,-zi] abbr.
abbr. Smokey Yunick; Sylvania East; Sylvania West; sailing yacht (Oleg Sollogub); Stripping Yield; symbol; synchronize
abbr., automat. system
abbr., drw. syphon
abbr., ed. School Year
abbr., ed., scient. Second Year
abbr., el. synchronous
abbr., electric. synchronoscope
abbr., food.ind. Sugar Year
abbr., IT sincerely yours (Bricker); synchronized
abbr., mil., avia. square yard
abbr., monk. Slight Yellowing
abbr., oil shipyard; sustainer yaw
abbr., polit. Syria
abbr., post Survey Number (в Индии 4uzhoj)
abbr., scottish Security branch of INTEL (NATO)
abbr., st.exch. Sybase, Inc.
tech. synchronization; synchroscope
Sy [-si,-zi] abbr.
abbr., biol. syphilis
abbr., earth.sc. sandy; sticky; syenite
Sy. abbr.
abbr. Surrey (Anglophile); supply
sy: 2 phrases in 1 subject