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spa [spɑ:] n
gen. 矿泉疗养地,温泉浴场; 矿泉疗养地; 游览胜地; 豪华旅馆; 冷饮柜; 健康〔减肥〕中心
dermat. 温泉之处
eng.geol. 矿泉; 温泉; 矿泉区; 温泉区
exhib. 水疗
tech. 兼作药房的冷饮店; 矿泉疗养地; 矿水
SPA [spɑ:] n
anim.husb. 羊肺腺瘤样病; 羊肺癌
life.sc. 温泉疗养; 放松保养疗法
Spa [spɑ:] n
racing F1比利时斯帕赛道
 English thesaurus
spa [,es pi: 'ei] abbr.
lat. sano per aqua (Букв. "лечу посредством воды" или "здорово посредством воды" (букв. "через воду"). Поскольку это акроним, согласно современной русской орфографической норме, писать надо заглавными буквами - "СПА". Vadim Rouminsky)
SPA [,es pi: 'ei] abbr.
abbr. Salus Per Aqua; Spanish; Sale and Purchase Agreement (triumfov); Society of Professional Accountants (Общество профессиональных бухгалтеров Alex Lilo); Specific Poll Address (SS7); Swedish Power Association; software performance analysis; software publisher's association; Salt Producers Association; strong phosphoric acid; Sugar Producers' Association; договір купівлі-продажу (Ker-online); sale and purchase agreement (Ker-online); scintillation proximity assay; scratch-pad area; staphylocaccal protein A; stack pointer alignment; staphylococcal protein A
abbr., account. Share Premium Account
abbr., adv. special purchase allowance
abbr., agric., chem. superphosphoric acid
abbr., astronaut. Space Plug-and-Play Avionics (semfromshire)
abbr., austral. Socialist Party of Australia
abbr., auto. Scalable Product Architecture (Sagoto); spare
abbr., avia. Seaplane Pilots Association; service panel adapter; servo preamplifier; system performance analysis; software product assessment; solar powered aircraft; space processing application; special process audit; standard practice amendment; supplier part affected
abbr., BrE service pay and allowances
abbr., busin. Sale Purchase Agreement (Yakov); Shell Project Academy (Шакиров); Scientific Production Association (научно-производственное объединение (НПО) AllaR); sundry personal account
abbr., cryptogr. scratch pad area
abbr., dat.proc. successive projections algorithm (CatBerry)
abbr., earth.sc. Society of Public Analysts; Southwest Power Administration; suprathermal plasma analyzer
abbr., ed., scient. School Of Physics And Astronomy
abbr., el. scatter propagation antenna; scratchpad address; scratchpad area; seeding pulse amplification; self-consistent phonon approximation; self-phasing array; servo power assembly; signal processing array; signification pixel area; silicon pulser array; smart pixel array (element); software performance analyzer; spot profile analysis; statistical processing and analysis; surface photo-absorption; Systems and Procedures Association
abbr., file.ext. Secure Password Authentication (Microsoft)
abbr., fin. Special Program of Assistance; Strategic Partnership with Africa
abbr., immunol. stromata-protective antigen complex
abbr., IT Service Planning Area; Software Process Assessment; Software Publishers Association (F)
abbr., law Share Purchase Agreement (**karina**)
abbr., Makarov. specific prostatic antigen
abbr., med. Sheep Pulmonary Adenomatosis; single laparoscopic access (MichaelBurov); suprapubic aspiration (Studentus); single port access (MichaelBurov); single proton absorptiometry; protein A form of Staphylococcus aureus; Southern Perinatal Association; sperm penetration assay; suprapubic aspiration bladder; suprapubic urine aspiration
abbr., media. Sound And Public Address
abbr., microel. slot plane antenna (NNB)
abbr., mil. Software Product Assurance; Service Prosecuting Authority Br. (Andrey Truhachev)
abbr., mil., air.def. Satellite Planning Agency
abbr., mil., avia. S-band power amplifier
abbr., mil., WMD special project authorization
abbr., nautic., econ. sequential population analysis
abbr., O&G, casp. single point of accountability (Yeldar Azanbayev); single point accountable (Yeldar Azanbayev)
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. sales and purchase agreement
abbr., O&G, sakh. Sanitary protective area
abbr., oil sodium polyacrylonitrile; sand and erosion probe assembly; scope picture analysis; Selected Petroleum Abstracts; slurry pumparound; Society Public Analysts; South Pacific Area
abbr., opt. silicon photodiode array (harser)
abbr., pharm. special protocol assessment (iwona)
abbr., plast.surg. superficial palmar arch
abbr., police Sussex Police Authority
abbr., polym. sodium polyacrylate
abbr., progr. System and Processing Association (ssn)
abbr., radio sudden phase anomalies; superregeneration parametric amplifier
abbr., radiol. single photon absorptiometry (igisheva)
abbr., scottish Special Purpose Aircraft
abbr., sec.sys. Safe Plan of Action (Маковка)
abbr., securit. Societa per Azioni
abbr., space servo power amplifier; servo-power assembly; Space Analysis Division; substitute part authorization
abbr., sport. Southern Pacific Association
abbr., st.exch. Sparton Corp
abbr., textile subject to particular average; Speciality Retailer of Private Label Apparel
abbr., tradem. Senior Pattern Association
abbr., UN, account. special post allowance
abbr., UN, ecol. Strategic Partnership Agreement for UNCCD Implementation in the Central Asian Republics
invest., abbr. sole placing agency
mil., abbr. sensor performance analysis; special-purpose aircraft; strategic posture analysis; submarine patrol area
O&G, abbr. standard price agreement
tech., abbr. S-band power amplifier; scalable processor architecture; short pulse altimeter; signal processor assembly; spectrum analyzer; sudden phase anomaly; superregenerative parametric amplifier
Spa [,es pi: 'ei] abbr.
abbr. Spathian (MichaelBurov); Spathian strata (MichaelBurov)
abbr., geol. the Spathian (MichaelBurov); Spathian age (MichaelBurov); Spathian time (MichaelBurov)
geol. Spathian sequence (MichaelBurov)
SpA [,es pi: 'ei] abbr.
abbr. spondyloarthritis (спондилоартрит kat_j)
abbr., med. spectrum analyser; spondyloarthriti (спондилоартрит kat_j)
: 33 phrases in 12 subjects
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