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sld abbr.
abbr. sailing date
abbr., busin. sailed
abbr., mil., avia. sealed
mining. solder
polym. solid
sld. abbr.
abbr. sailed (Vosoni); sealed
abbr., earth.sc. solid
law sold
SLD abbr.
abbr. Service Level Director; Sojusz Lewicy Demokratycznej; Sold sale; Stag's Leap District; Second Level DOMAIN (Internet, ICANN); Ships Logistics Division; sliding door; Slim Line Diffuser; slowdown
abbr., avia. Supercooled Large Droplets (bonly); supercooled large drop; slotting die
abbr., busin. sold
abbr., comp., net., IT Second Level Domain
abbr., corp.gov. service level definition
abbr., earth.sc. sea level datum; solubility-limited dissolution; sublethal water deficit
abbr., ed. Specific Learning Difficulty; Specific Learning Disabilities; Specific Learning Disability
abbr., el. super-luminescent diode; second level directory; simplified logic diagram; solid logic density; solid logic design; source level debugger; superluminescent laser diode; superluminescent LED; symbolic logic design; synchronous line driver; system-level interface behavioral documentation standard; system logic design
abbr., el., scient. Strong Lattice Deformation; Super Low Density
abbr., electr.eng. single line diagram (MichaelBurov); single phase diagram (MichaelBurov); single-line diagram (MichaelBurov); single-phase diagram (MichaelBurov)
abbr., file.ext. Second-Level Domain (name)
abbr., geophys. stabilized litho-density (igisheva)
abbr., IT Slide; Source Level Definition; Structured Logic Design
abbr., lab.eq. safety and laboratory data
abbr., math., scient. Single Line Diagram
abbr., meteorol. Simulated Life Doll
abbr., mil. system link designator
abbr., mil., WMD Software Lead Developer
abbr., mus. Seneca Land District of SPEBSQSA; Sound, stage Lighting, Disk jockey
abbr., O&G, sakh.a. single-line diagram
abbr., oil shift left double; solenoid; spectral lithodensity; square-law detection; straight line decline
abbr., opt. superluminescent diode
abbr., photo. Special Low Dispersion (низкодисперсное стекло ВВладимир)
abbr., progr. system level design (ssn); system-level design (ssn)
abbr., relig. St. Lawrence District of Unitarian Universalist Congregations
abbr., scottish Sight Laser Detector
abbr., securit. sale last day
abbr., space screen loading density
abbr., telecom. Synchronous Long Distance Topology (agrabo)
abbr., tradem. Scientific Laboratory Division
busin. sold sale
comp. subscriber line data
energ.ind. small leak diameter
mil. simulated launch demonstration
tech. shutdown logic diagram
TV side lock detector
SlD abbr.
avia. SlDs and STARs (4uzhoj)
: 3 phrases in 2 subjects
Artificial intelligence1
International trade2