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horticult. 洋葱小鳞茎
hydroel.st. 机组
IMF. 集合
met. 固定; 调整; 装置; 系列
tech. 种植; ;
| space
gen. 太空
- only individual words found

noun | verb | adjective | abbreviation | to phrases
set [set] n
gen. 放〔设,布,装〕置; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; 安放〔排,插〕; 建〔树,设〕立; 铅字; ; 结果〔籽〕; 调整〔谐,节〕; 锯路; 合式〔适〕; ; 架设; 固〔设,调〕定; 指〔约,决,规,选〕定; ; ; 讲〔估〕价; 使得; 促使; 推动; 动身; 出发; 专心于; 倾〔趋〕向; ; ; ; 凝固 (结); 硬〔固,塑〕化; 弄硬; 地基下沉; 沉陷〔落〕; ; 建立连接; (副,组,部; 群,批,帮;盘,局); 仪器〔表〕; 用〔器〕具; 布景; 支架; ; ; 成套的扳手 (冲头); 方〔趋,倾,流〕向; 位置; 角〔态〕度; 姿〔形〕势; 形状; 样〔款〕式; ; 凝固〔结〕; 残留〔永久,残余〕变形; 变余; 形变; ; ; ; 流形类; 总体; 锯齿外扭〔倾角〕; 抹面灰层; 幼苗; 树秧; 刚结果实; 球茎; 洞穴
adv. 电视机; 收音机; 排版
agric. 日,月下落; 种植栽植材料如块茎等; 插条; 苗木; 实生苗; 结实; 潮流方向
archit. 沉陷; 残留变形; 硬化; 定位
auto. 【动】 调节; 调整; 校正; 调,固; 副,组,束; 机组如两个同轴微电机; 仪器
avia. 接收机; ; ; (合); 使处于某种状态 (或位置); 调谐; 配置; 定型; 应变超过弹性极限造成的永久变形; 提出
bowl. 排列
bridg.constr. 贯入度 (一般指打桩时); 凝固; 凝结
busin. 规定; 布置; 配合; 估计
chem. 套 ⑴量词
commer. 构造
crick. 击球手对投球手的投球方式已完全适应的
dril. 坐放; 调定; 调整值
econ. 方向; 趋势; 制定; 分配任务; 从事; 价,日期; 使…做某事; 定价; 固定的; 不变的; ; ; 日落
el. 置1; 整定
el.mach. 备用发电机组
eng.geol. 贯入度; 成形; 调节
environ. 校 〔调,对,拨〕准
expl. 炮孔组钻出的一组炮孔,装药后瞬时或以延时雷管起爆,以破碎一定量的岩石; 集合。―v <-> 设定
geophys. 置位
gymn. 一套动作; 一组动作
horticult. 洋葱小鳞茎
hydroel.st. 机组; 放置; 建立
interntl.trade. 一组; 一批; 设备
math. 集合; 安放; 安装
met. 固定; 调整; 装置; 系列; 残余变形; 排矿口
nautic., tech. 安装用具,仪器,装置
oil ;
plast. 给定; 塑化; 永久变形
polym. 变定
radio.amat. 器件; 装置
refrig. 组合件全套
row. 风向
shipb. 组、台; 事先做好的
space 置"1";
sport. ; ; 回合; — 套动作; 一组动作
sport., psychol. 定势; 心向
steel. 装配
tech. 种植; ; ; 安置; 整锯齿; 整齿; 固着; 抹灰罩面层; 对准; 长插条; 凝定; ; 幼树
telecom. 器材
textile 固化; 定形; 原料批; ; 身材; 衣服穿在身上的样子; 姿势; 缝、绱
voll. 二传
wind. 设定
wushu. 套路
SET [set] n
auto. 显示字符巡航设定 (cruise control set)
org.name., securit. 泰国指数 (Thailand SET Index)
Set! n
athlet. 裁判用语预备!
set mathematics [set] n
IMF. 集合
set [set] v
gen. 一套; 一部; ; 安排;
archer. 射箭站立
archit. 安置 (装); 树立; 凝固; 着手; 下沉; ;
athlet. 预备!; 再赛; 加分赛
billiar. 每场局数
bodybuild. 组数
bowl. 排列
bridge. ; 击宕
commer. 校准; 指定; 沉降
dart. 任何3标的一轮
golf. 一套球杆
gymn. 规定动作
heavy.eq. 练习组数
sport. 设置; 创造
tenn. 一盘6局为一盘; 就位; 准备开始
textile 缝、绱in; 衣服合身
voll. 托球
"set" [set] v
sport. "预备"裁判员用语
set [set] adj.
gen. 固〔预,设,规,指〕定的; 不动的; 凝固的; 装好的; 做成的; 正式的; 坚定的; 坚决的; 固执的
archit. 预、规定的
econ. 决心的
sport. 规定的
 English thesaurus
set [set] abbr.
abbr. settlement
cinema An environment used for filming. When used in contrast to location, it refers to one artificially constructed. A set typically is not a complete or accurate replica of the environment as defined by the script, but is carefully constructed to make filming easier but still appear natural when viewed from the camera angle.
O&G settling
SET [set] abbr.
abbr. Secure Electronic Transaction; Set Evaluates Things; setting; simplified engineering technique
abbr., auto. steady-state emissions test; stored energy transmission
abbr., avia. software engineering technology; stored-energy transmission; system effectiveness test
abbr., chem. single-electron transfer
abbr., comp., net. secure electronic transactions
abbr., comp., net., IT Secure Electronic Transactions
abbr., ed., scient. Science Engineering And Technology
abbr., el. selective epitaxial trench (isolation); selective epitaxy transistor; selective telephone; self-extending translator; service evaluation telemetry; single-electron tunneling; software emulated terminal; software engineering terminology; special electronic tool; sputter-etch technique; synchronizing enabling technology; system embedded training; system error tester
abbr., el., scient. Single Electron Tunneling
abbr., file.ext. Setup data or information settings
abbr., IT Configuration Settings; Set Byte On Condition
abbr., karate. single effect transient (вызывается пролетом частиц с высокой энергией nikolkor)
abbr., med. serial endosymbiotic theory; throat sensation
abbr., mil. System Engineering Testbed
abbr., mil., astronaut. satellite earth terminal
abbr., mil., avia. solar energy thermionic conversion system
abbr., nano single electron transfer
abbr., O&G self-erect tender (masizonenko)
abbr., phys. Single Electron Tunnelling (Vosoni)
abbr., phys., scient. Sound Emission Transmission
abbr., relig. Support Empathy Truth
abbr., scient. Safety Environment And Technology
abbr., sec.sys., IT Secure Encryption Technology
abbr., semicond. single-electron transistor
abbr., st.exch. Secure Electronic Trading; Significant Enough Transaction
abbr., tradem. Sony Entertainment Television
abbr., transp. Safe Effective Transport
chem., abbr. settler
energ.ind., abbr. separate effects test; system engineering test
mil., abbr. satellite experimental terminal; security escort team; sensor employment team; sensory evaluation test; simulated emergency test; small earth terminal; special engineering tests; split engine transportation; systems engineering tests
O&G, abbr. setpoint value input terminal; setpoint/setting input
tech. selective employment tax; special evaluation team
tech., abbr. selective electronics training; space electronics and telemetry; stepped electrode transistor; systems effects test
.SET n
file.ext. Driver Set (LDC; Lotus 1-2-3); Image Settings (Paradox)
IT application/set
.set n
file.ext. Driver Set (file name extension, Lotus 1-2-3, LDC); Image Settings (file name extension, Paradox)
set. abbr.
abbr., econ. settlement
SET [set] abbr.
abbr., auto. Supplemental Emission Testing (Dinara Makarova)
abbr., commer. Securities Exchange of Thailand
abbr., earth.sc. solar energy thermoionic conversion system; solid Earth tide; standard effective temperature
abbr., fin. Stock Exchange of Thailand
abbr., multimed. secure electronics transactions
abbr., oil single -man escape tower; submarine engineering technology
abbr., space single event transient
abbr., telecom. Secure Electronics Transaction
inet. Secure Electronic Transfer (A safe and confidential way of paying for goods which have been purchased over the Internet. Безопасный и конфиденциальный способ оплаты за товары, которые были приобретены через Интернет. Interex)
set space
: 4 phrases in 3 subjects