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noun | verb | abbreviation | to phrases
pom [pɔm] n
gen. 砰的一声; 波米兰尼亚小狗
pom [pɔm] v
gen. 发砰砰声
 English thesaurus
pom [pɔm] abbr.
abbr., inf. pomegranate
slang an Englishman
POM [pɔm] abbr.
abbr. Piles Of Money; Poor Old Mama; Postal Operations Manual; Production And Operations Management; Production Operations Management; Public Order Member; Purchase Order Management; Parade Of Ministry; Peach Of Mind; Performance Operation And Maintenance; Phase of Moon (Vosoni); Pooped Out Mom; Phase Of Moon
abbr., adv. prescription-only medicines
abbr., archit. project operations manual (muhayyo-m)
abbr., avia. Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea; polarizing optical microscope; power plant overhaul manual; program objective matrix
abbr., cartogr. pulse code modulation
abbr., chem. paraform
abbr., commer. Product Of the Month (bigmaxus)
abbr., el. path operational mask; perceptual objective measurement; polarized optical microscope; polarized optical microscopy
abbr., energ.ind. post-operation meeting (MichaelBurov)
abbr., fin. property operation and maintenance (AnnaB)
abbr., food.ind. Piece Of Meat
abbr., inet. Prisoner Of Mother
abbr., IT Poop On Me
abbr., law Plane Of Mischief
abbr., manag. project organisation manual
abbr., med. Perscription Only Medicine; prescription only medicine (лекарственные средства, отпускаемые только по рецепту врача kat_j)
abbr., mil. Preparation for Overseas Movement; Prisoner Of Motherland; Program Objectives Memorandum; Proof of Manufacture; program objective memorandum
abbr., mil., avia. polyoxymethylene
abbr., nautic., scient. Particulate Organic Matter
abbr., plast. Polyoxymethylene
abbr., polit. Prisoners Of Mother
abbr., polym. polyoxymethylene
abbr., progr. page object model (Alex_Odeychuk)
abbr., scient. Princeton Ocean Model
abbr., scottish Polyphenylene Oxide, Modified
abbr., st.exch. Potomac Electric Power Company
abbr., tech. Peat-Oil Mixture (Vosoni)
abbr., transp. Port Of Melbourne; Program Objective Memorandum
abbr., UN Prisoners Of Motherland
ecol. polycyclic organic matter
mil. preparation for overseas movement; priority of movements; program objectives memorandum; project office memorandum
plast., abbr. Polyoxymethylene (Acetal)
tech. plant operations manager; polyoxymethylene polyacetal; position modulator
PoM [pɔm] abbr.
abbr., med. prescription-only medicine
pomol. [pɔm] abbr.
abbr. pomology
Pomol [pɔm] abbr.
abbr., med. pomology
Pom [pɔm] n
inf. Pomeranian
POM [pɔm] abbr.
abbr. Panel on Ordnance Materials
abbr., avia. production organization manual
abbr., chem. polyformaldehyde
abbr., earth.sc. pulse overlap method
abbr., oil poisonous organic matter; production & operations management
abbr., space precision optical manufacturing; printer output microfilm; program objectives memorandum
: 2 phrases in 2 subjects
Desert science1
Textile industry1