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pat [pæt] n
anim.husb. 奶油等的小块
archit. 小块试样; 水泥安定性试验的试饼; 馒头形水泥试块
athlet. 跑时脚掌拍击地面声音
cosmet. 轻拍
desert. 【信德语】干粘磐 (巴基斯坦)
econ. 轻打; 相当的; 即刻地; 相当地; 抚拍
el. 小块
tech. 水泥饼; 试饼; 扁块; 水泥安定性试验的试块
textile 喜马拉雅山羊毛; 山羊毛; 中国蚕丝; 黄麻; 刺绣用土丝线; 专利; 专利权; 专利件
"Pat" n
mil. "耗子" (反潜鱼雷(美))
pat [pæt] v
gen. ; 轻拍〔敲,打〕; 轻拍声; 水泥安定性试验用试饼; 小〔扁〕块; 小块黄油
pats abbr.
desert. 平顶高原 (印度比哈尔邦)
 English thesaurus
pat [pæt] abbr.
abbr., med. patented; paternal origin
PAT [pæt] abbr.
abbr., avia. pitch attitude trim; plastic apply template; primary access terminal; partial revision telex; pattern recognition technique; plastics-rubbers-textiles
abbr., chem. poly aminotriazole
abbr., cryptogr. personal trust agent
abbr., med. platelet aggregation time; testicular pain
abbr., media. picture and text
abbr., mil., avia. passive acoustic torpedo
Pat. abbr.
abbr. Patent Office
abbr., busin. patron
pats abbr.
abbr. patents
PATS abbr.
abbr. Partly Assisted Trading System
abbr., auto. panti-theft system/passive anti-theft system
abbr., avia. passenger air-to-ground telephone; propulsion assessment for tactical system
abbr., el. privacy act tracking system; private automatic telephone system
abbr., law Personal Anti Theft System
abbr., med. Pacific Animal Therapy Society; Proceedings Of The American Thoracic Society
abbr., mil. Precision Attack Targeting System; Precision Automatic Tracking System
abbr., mil., avia. passive angle tracking system
abbr., progr. parameterized abstract test suite (ssn)
abbr., scottish Portable Acoustic Tracking System; Precision Automated Tracking Station; Prototype Automatic Target Screener
abbr., transp. Passenger Assistant Training Scheme; Passive Anti Theft System; Precision Automated Tracking System
mil. passive angle tracking system; personnel assistance teams; personnel in an awaiting training status; preacademic training student; primary aircraft training system
Nasdaq International Superconductor
tech. precision aircraft tracking system; programmable automatic test set
: 92 phrases in 20 subjects
Animal husbandry1
Cosmetics and cosmetology2
Desert science1
Figure skating4
Food industry1
International Monetary Fund1
International trade2
Oil / petroleum33
Textile industry3