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noun | verb | abbreviation | to phrases
orb [ɔː(ɹ)b] n
gen. ; 地球; 眼珠; 面,形物
archit. ; 球体; ; ; 球形饰
space (体); 天体; 轨道
tech. 朴素的圆浮雕饰; 盲拱; 球形物
orb [¯] v
gen. 做成球; 弄圆; 包围
 English thesaurus
orb. abbr.
abbr. owner's risk of breakage
ORB [¯] abbr.
abbr. Outreach Red Bank
abbr., avia. omnidirectional omni radio beacon; omni-directional omni radio beacon
abbr., Canada operational research branch
abbr., el. operation request block; object request brokers
abbr., inet. Online Reference Book; Online Resource Bank; Operating Resident Browser
abbr., insur. Oil record book
abbr., IT Object Request Broker; Office Repeater Bay
abbr., media. Opinion Research Business
abbr., mil. Offworld Resource Base
abbr., mil., avia. ocean research buoy
abbr., physiol. Operation Reconstructive Baby
abbr., progr. Object Request Broker (ssn)
abbr., scottish Omni-directional Radio Beacon
abbr., st.exch. Orbital Sciences Corporation
airports, avia. Orebro, Sweden
Apollo-Soyuz Soyuz orbit
comp. orbiter
energ.ind. observer rest break
mil. officer record brief; operations record book; organization records branch
tech. omnidirectional radio beacon; operation-request block; outside reactor building
tech. orbital rendezvous base system
ORB [¯] abbr.
abbr. Ordnance Board
abbr., earth.sc. oceanic ridge tholeiitic basalts; ocean resources branch; ocean ridge basalt; orbit
abbr., oil oceanic ridge basalts; oceanographic research buoy; owner's risk of breakage
abbr., space omni radio beacon; outer radiation belt
abbr., tech. O-Ring Boss (Yuriy Sokha)
abbr., telecom. output request buffer (CRAY vasuk)
orb: 18 phrases in 10 subjects
Computer networks3
Information technology2
Oil / petroleum1