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noun | abbreviation | to phrases
mob [mɔb] n
gen. 暴民; 群氓; 乌合之众; 一群; 汽车; 包围; 围攻; 成群结队地涌人〔袭击〕; 聚众闹事; 暴乱
anim.husb. 一群家畜; 小马群
desert. 满天星式的放牧
 English thesaurus
mob [mɔb] abbr.
abbr. mobility; mobilization
slang family or herd of kangaroos; group of people, not necessarily troublesome
mob. abbr.
abbr. mobile
MOB [mɔb] abbr.
abbr. Mail Order Brides; Make Or Break; Men Of Beer; Minions Of Bagpuss; Mother Of Bride; Museum Of Brisbane; Married Or Bored; Memory-Order Buffer; mobile; MONEY OVER BITCHES
abbr., avia. Mobile, Alabama USA; meals on board
abbr., comp., net. movable object block
abbr., ed. Making Ourselves Better; Motivational Organization of Belmont
abbr., el. mirrorless intrinsic optical bistability
abbr., file.ext. Device definition (PEN Windows)
abbr., geol., scient. Middle Of Beach
abbr., IT Device definition; Memory Organization Benchmark; memory order buffer
abbr., med. mother of baby (harser)
abbr., mil. Man Over Board; Mobile Offshore Base; Mobilization
abbr., monk. Monster or Beast
abbr., mus. Music Over Business; Musicians Of Broadjam; Rice University Marching Owl Band
abbr., NATO Main Operating Base
abbr., nautic. Mobile Al, U.S.A.
abbr., physiol., med. My Own Body
abbr., scottish Main Operational Base (USAF)
abbr., tradem. Members Own Board; Men Of Business
abbr., transp. Mobility
humor., abbr. Money over Bitches
mil. main operating base; missile order of battle; mobilization base
MOB [mɔb] abbr.
abbr., avia. main operational base
abbr., busin. mail order business
abbr., nautic. man overboard (Углов)
abbr., oil man overboard boat; money order business
: 10 phrases in 7 subjects
Animal husbandry3
Desert science1
Textile industry2