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maw [mɔ:] n
gen. 动物的胃; 反刍动物的第四胃; 鱼鳔; 鱼泡; 食管; 喉咙; 鸟的嗉囊; 饥饿〔食欲〕的象征; 人的; 肚子; 无底洞; 罂粟子
agric. 第四胃; 嗉囊;
anim.husb. 真胃; 皱胃; 嘹囊; ; 咽喉; 食道
life.sc. ; 口部
MAW [mɔ:] abbr.
sport. 马拉维 (National Olympic Committee)
 English thesaurus
MAW [mɔ:] abbr.
abbr. Make A Wish Foundation; Math Awareness Week; Men And Women; Microsoft At Work; Model Actor Whatever; Model Actress Whatever
abbr., avia. marine airlift wing; maximum approach weight; missile attack warning; medium assault weapon (anti-tank); Malden, Missouri USA
abbr., el. medium antitank weapon
abbr., mil. Marine Air Wing; Maximum Aircraft Weight; Missile Approach Warning; Marine aircraft wing
abbr., mil., avia. management aid workstation
abbr., oil modified Atlantic water; mud acid wash
abbr., railw. Maumee and Western Railroad Corporation
abbr., scottish Marine Aircraft Wing (USA); Medium Anti-Tank Weapon; Military Airlift Wing (USAF); Missile Approach Warning system; Mission Adaptive Wing; Mobile Approach Warner; Mountain & Arctic Warfare
abbr., space medium antiarmor antitank weapon
abbr., weld. metal arc welding (AGO)
ecol. medium active waste
mil. Marine air wing; Maverick alternate warhead; medium antiarmor weapons; medium assault weapon; military airlift wing; missile approach warner; mountain and arctic warfare; multipurpose assault weapon
maw: 5 phrases in 4 subjects
Fish farming pisciculture1