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mana ['mɑ:nɑ:] n
gen. 神话中的神力; 魔力; 超自然力; 权威
agric. 小麦品种突变型
 English thesaurus
MANA abbr.
abbr. Manatron, Inc.; International Center for MAterials NAnoarchitectonics (mafina); Manufacturers' Agents National Association
abbr., med. Michigan Association Of Nurse Anesthetists; Midwives Alliance Of North America
ManA ['mɑ:nɑ:] n
gen. Manufacturing Authorisation (регистрационное удостворение лекарственного средства 4uzhoj)
MANAS abbr.
abbr., med. Michigan Association Of Nurse Anesthetists Students
mana: 4 phrases in 4 subjects
Computer networks1
Information technology1